Sunday, May 13, 2012

Maranatha Newsletter March/April 2012

Greetings Dear M.M.M. Family;

What a loving, merciful and compassionate God we serve. When I think of all that He sacrificed, so that I can be with Him in Paradise, causes me to rethink what my priorities are. It causes me to ask myself the question, “Am I doing all that I can do, to help others in need?”

Recently, while in the U.S., I did a bit of self-examination, and I realized that I can do more for God’s cause. I saw that there were many things that I was buying, good things, healthy things that I wanted, but really didn’t need. Things like extra clothes, fruit juices, healthy snacks, etc.. Now, while these are all nice things to have, and there is nothing wrong with having them, I realized that I simply didn’t have to have them; they weren’t an absolute necessity. So I have begun cutting these unnecessary items out of my purchase plan, and taking the money I would have spent on these items, and put it into God’s treasury. If there’s one thing Elsa and I have learned over the years, it’s that, “You can’t beat God’s giving, … no matter how hard you try. The more you give, the more He gives to you.” Of course, that should not be the motive for giving. Our giving should be out of pure gratitude and thankfulness to God for what He has done and sacrificed for us. I’m certain that each and every one of us can find at least one or two things on our shopping list that we can really do without. I (lovingly) challenge you to refrain from buying that item, and apply that money to helping someone in need. Oh dear friends, let us now more than ever, develop a true Love for God, a Zeal His Glory, and a Sincere Love for Humanity.