Friday, January 1, 2010

Maranatha Newsletter: Anniversary 2010!

Dear Friends,

A new year has opened upon us. Let it be a happy New Year. Nestle your-selves if the sheltering arms of Jesus, and do not wrestle yourself out of His arms. Do not dishonor God by distrust and doubt. Believe in Him, claim His promises, praise His holy name daily and move forward in faith. We are almost home. Look up and rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.

I pray that God smiles upon our past record; But, if perhaps we did fall short of glorifying our Saviour and bringing honor to God, we must know and remember that we serve a loving God; A God of mercy, compassion and forgiveness. Whether our past record be honorable or less than hon-orable, let us begin this new year with confession, repentance, and com-plete surrender to the will of our Father.

Yes, it’s hard to believe we have entered the year 2010. Who would have thought this world would have, …. could have lasted this long? But God, in His great wisdom, is allowing time to continue so that every human being has opportunity to know and choose whom he will serve.

We need not focus on tomorrow, next month or next year. Today is the most important day of our lives. Today, let us serve our heavenly Father joyfully, willingly, and completely; because to-morrow is not guaranteed to any of us. Bear your whole weight on the promises of God. Believe as it is your privilege to believe.

Our prayer for you, and all of God’s redeemed, is that we will be faithful to the Master and stand firm for His truth; And be ready to spend and be spent for the salvation of souls; That we will be ready to meet our Saviour Jesus Christ when He returns to take us home. Watch and pray without ceasing. Jesus IS coming soon.