Friday, January 1, 2010

Maranatha Newsletter: Anniversary 2010!

Dear Friends,

A new year has opened upon us. Let it be a happy New Year. Nestle your-selves if the sheltering arms of Jesus, and do not wrestle yourself out of His arms. Do not dishonor God by distrust and doubt. Believe in Him, claim His promises, praise His holy name daily and move forward in faith. We are almost home. Look up and rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.

I pray that God smiles upon our past record; But, if perhaps we did fall short of glorifying our Saviour and bringing honor to God, we must know and remember that we serve a loving God; A God of mercy, compassion and forgiveness. Whether our past record be honorable or less than hon-orable, let us begin this new year with confession, repentance, and com-plete surrender to the will of our Father.

Yes, it’s hard to believe we have entered the year 2010. Who would have thought this world would have, …. could have lasted this long? But God, in His great wisdom, is allowing time to continue so that every human being has opportunity to know and choose whom he will serve.

We need not focus on tomorrow, next month or next year. Today is the most important day of our lives. Today, let us serve our heavenly Father joyfully, willingly, and completely; because to-morrow is not guaranteed to any of us. Bear your whole weight on the promises of God. Believe as it is your privilege to believe.

Our prayer for you, and all of God’s redeemed, is that we will be faithful to the Master and stand firm for His truth; And be ready to spend and be spent for the salvation of souls; That we will be ready to meet our Saviour Jesus Christ when He returns to take us home. Watch and pray without ceasing. Jesus IS coming soon.

M.M.M.’s 10 Year Anniversary

To God Be The Glory!!!

It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been missionaries in Honduras for ten years. Though it may not have been our intention to stay here this long, God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has chosen to have us remain here; And we will continue on here in Honduras until He moves us elsewhere. As many of you know, our only intention was to come here and establish a modest Medical Missionary Outpost; But again, God saw differently. He saw the “big pic-ture”. Thank the Lord He didn’t show us that big picture from the start; I don’t think we could have handled it. God is so merciful. He slowly opens doors, and places opportunities before us, and as we move forward in His footsteps, He continually builds, and builds until He is satisfied that His truth is known, and His name has been glorified throughout the land. You our friends have been part of this ministry so we want you to praise God and rejoice with us.

Outpost beginnings...

Knowing that Medical Missionary work is the Right Arm of the gospel, we by faith came to Honduras to minister as Christ ministered; To minister to the needs of the people, relief their suffering and show them God’s love. So on January 1, 2000, Maranatha Medical Ministries opened its doors to all in need through out the moun-tains of La Zona.

Outpost official opening!

Below is a photo of our first patient, little Lorna and her mother Rufina, who had to stay with us for several days as we worked to clear her little lungs from pneumonia.

Our first patient

In 2003, The La Zona House of Prayer Was Established

Jesus said “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to ob-serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Mathew 28:18,19.

“ The practical carrying out of the Saviour’s com-mission demonstrates the power of the gospel. The work calls for laborious effort, but it pays; for by it perishing souls are saved.”

“First meet the temporal necessities of the needy and relief their physical wants and sufferings, and you will then find an open avenue to the heart, where you may plant the good seed of virtue and religion.”

Outdoor Bible studies

After numerous Bible studies and seminars through-out our mountain villages, we held our first baptism.


And in 2003 The La Zona House of Prayer was estab-lished.

La Zona House of Prayer
“….for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.” Isaiah 56:7

There is now a Lighthouse in the midst of poverty and ignorance, in the mountains of Honduras.

As many of you know, we just recently had our 6th baptism, that makes 27 baptized members, in what was once a totally catholic community. Praise God!! for allowing us to see some of the fruit of our labors. Bible worker Douglas Bravo from Nicaragua and our Missionary Trainees currently have more than 20 Bi-ble Studies in process. We realize that time is short and we must work while it is day.

2005—Maranatha Institute of Christian Education Established

The Lord showed us a need for the children of the church to be educated for Him. So by faith we moved for-ward to start a small school, and in-spite of the many obstacles that the enemy tried to place in our way, classes began the fall of 2005. We have watched our M.I.C.E. grow in stature, in wisdom and in favor with God and man.

Our beloved M.I.C.E.

Our beloved M.I.C.E.

Our beloved M.I.C.E.

Our beloved M.I.C.E.

Our beloved M.I.C.E.
“Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

“Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

2007 — "La Canasta De Vida Restaurant" Opens For Business

Realizing the shortness of time and the need to do all we can to share God’s message with as many people as possible; the Lord inspired us with the idea of having a light for Him in town. We are told that hygienic restau-rants are to be established in the large cities and towns as a witness!

“La Canasta De Vida Restaurant

La Canasta de Vida has truly become a light and an oasis for the people in the town and all those that come to visit from the nearby cities. The people are thankful for better health and a clean hygienic place where they can come and eat and receive help and care.

People like Dr. Pineda and his family appreciate a hygienic restaurant where they can come and enjoy healthy food in a pleasant and caring atmos-phere.

“La Canasta De Vida Restaurant

God has been true to His word, and our customers have felt a marked difference in their health.; their cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar levels normalize, they have more en-ergy, even their outlook on life improves.

Our prayer every morning is that they will feel God’s presence in the restaurant, and real-ize that God desires to give them life, and life more abundant …..eternal life!!

2009 - Maranatha Missionary Training Center Established

During the past ten years, we would often ask the question, “Where are the laborers?? Where is that army of youth “rightly trained”, ready to give the last message of warning to a dying world?? The Lord has shown us that they were right here in this mountain village of Honduras. So, by faith we started M.M.T.C.. And what a privilege to see the Holy Spirit do the training and molding in these young men’s lives. To God be the glory!!

Jorge (left) as one of the M.I.C.E, and today as a Light Bearer; Roger (left) at 10 years old, and today a Missionary Evangelist for Christ

LEFT: Jorge as one of the M.I.C.E.  And today (center/right), a Light Bearer.
RIGHT: Roger at 10 years old. Today (center/left), Roger’s is a Missionary Evangel-ist for Christ.

Rene on the day of his baptism, at the age of 8

Rene on the day of his baptism, at the age of 8.

Today, Rene is shar-ing the Word of God to a dying world

Today, Rene is shar-ing the Word of God to a dying world.

Our Missionary Trainees

Ministry Matters

  • A very special thanks to all the volunteers that have come to help us out during the past ten years; To all of you who have written to us little notes of encouragement, and to all of you who have faithfully supported us with your prayers and with your means. We could never have accomplished all that has been done without you, ... our faithful M.M.M. family. May God richly bless each and every one of you this coming year!

  • We are preparing our itinerary for the summer of 2010. If you would like for us to come to your church or public center to share with you our missionary presentations, you must contact us before May of 2010. We are planning to visit the Western states at the beginning of our travels (June to mid-July); We will then finish our presentations on the East Coast (Mid-July thru August). Our usual presentations include an exciting present truth Sabbath School Study, afternoon slide presentation, and, if desired, a special Sunday afternoon “Healing Edibles” presentation.

  • Our itinerary is set on a first-come-first-serve basis, so do contact us as soon as possible. You can e-mail us at our min-istry address - We hope to see you this summer.

  • Friends, if you’re planning to move from your present mailing address, and you wish to continue receiving our newsletters, please notify us of the new change of address. If newsletters are returned, and we do not have a valid for-warding address, we will sadly have to delete that name from our mailing list. We don’t want to loose you, but it costs the ministry .61 cents for every returned newsletter. That’s a lot of money we’d much rather use for God’s work here in the mission field. So please keep us informed if you plan to move or change your mailing address. Thank you.

  • We have not forgotten about our plans for purchasing property for the Missionary Training Center, and we hope you haven’t forgotten either. With our busy schedule, we are still prayerfully searching for land; But, most importantly, we are following God’s leading, and we believe that He has just the right property for us, in just the right location, for just the right price. He will make it available for us in His time.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

Please Pray for:

Joan Neall & Family - Health & healing; Trust in God.

Jessie Reaves Sr.- Health & Healing.

Maranatha Missionary Training Center—Financial support needed.

Olga - Health & Healing from cancer.

Ligia Yanet - Faith and trust in God. Keep a cheerful spirit. Know that a brighter, better day is coming.

All M.M.M. Volunteers - Father, keep us focused and faithful.
God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love.

He will never leave you, or forsake you.

Draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

Dear Friends and M.M.M. Family,

We want to wish you a Blessed New Year from the mountains of Honduras.

The times that we are living in, calls for a deeper consecration to service. We must examine our lives and ask the question, “Am I doing what God would have me to do at this time in earth’s history, have I placed my all on the altar?”..... Jesus is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of His character of love upon His fol-lowers. We want to encourage you to give all to the Master, that His name may be glorified upon this earth and souls maybe rescued for His kingdom.

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