Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maranatha Newsletter February 2010

Greetings M.M.M. Friends,

This is indeed a special newsletter issue. One that we be-lieve has the message of what Maranatha Medical Ministries is all about. Although there are only a couple of articles featured in this issue, may God’s love, mercy and compas-sion for others ring out on every page. Know within your own heart, that God wants to use you to be His helping hands in bringing relief and comfort to someone in need.
“In every city, every town, every village, through which He passed, He laid His hands upon the afflicted ones and healed them. Wherever there were hearts ready to receive His message, He comforted them with the assurance of their heavenly Father’s love. All day He ministered to those who came to Him;”

Do you feel that your usefulness for Christ is limited, due to your lack of education or skills? Look at our young Missionary Trainees; Just a few months ago, they were, what some would call, “ignorant mountain kids”. Now, today, after learning in the school of Christ, they are able to go out and minister to the rich as well as to the poor.

Remember dear friends;
“In choosing men and women for His service, God does not ask whether they possess worldly wealth, learning, or eloquence. He asks, “Do they walk in such humility that I can teach them My way? Can I put My words into their lips? Will they represent Me? M.H. p. 37

Outreach In Armenia

by Joe

Our young Missionary Trainee’s have been working and studying faithfully here in the mountains for nearly a year. It was now time for them to spread their wings, and learn other character building skills.

As part of our their practicum, we took the young men to stay with the Jimenez family at Redemption Radio Ministries in Jutiapa, Honduras. There, they learned practical hard work, such as construction and painting. This is very important in character building. While they have somewhat mastered the classroom lectures, they still needed to learn how to use what they’ve learned, and apply diligence, perseverance, and carefulness to their work: We’re told that; “The good works of God’s people have a more powerful influence than words. By their virtuous life and unselfish acts the beholder is led to desire the same righteousness which produced so good fruit.” W.M. p.298. This was our reason and purpose for sending our young men off to Jutiapa.

The time at Redemption Radio was indeed a time of learning, but it was also a time of testing. Was all that had been learned at the mountain Outpost superficial; or had they established a solid foundation?

One very special, and interesting outreach, was to a small village on the eastern coast of Honduras, called Armenia. The people there are called Guadefunans; A mixture of West Indian and Spanish. As the story goes: The British abandoned these people on Roatan Island back in 1796. Since then, the Guadefunan’s have migrated to different parts of Honduras, setting up little villages along it’s coastlines. Armenia was only a few miles away from the Jimenez’s home, so we decided to spend an afternoon there.

I have to admit, it was truly a blessing watching our Trainees in action. They independently greeted the peo-ple with genuine love and kindness. They inquired about their illnesses and personal concerns; And before each treatment, they prayed with the person they were treating.

While there are many memorable moments of this outreach, there is one particular incident that stood out from all the rest. Rogers, one of our M.T.’s, is always so eager to volunteer when there is a need; And today, during outreach, was no different. There were blood pressures being given, and consultations being done, but I still needed someone for massage; So, I asked for volunteers; And, of course, Rogers readily volun-teered his services. Then Rogers realized that I needed him to massage an elderly woman’s knees. I told him, “Just remember what you’ve been taught, and you’ll do just fine.”

Roger massaging arthritic knees

Nervously, Rogers began the massage. I stayed with him simply for moral support. Missionary Volunteers need to know that there are times when it becomes necessary for you to conduct certain procedures on the opposite sex; But, while doing any type of treatment on anyone, especially one of opposite gender, you must talk of Jesus Christ and His desire to heal. You must also keep a prayerful spirit. You must not think, “Oh no!!! This is a woman!!! You must say, “This is a precious soul, in need of healing from the Master.” Rogers maintained his composure and conducted the massage like a pro. The woman said that her arthritic knees had never felt so good.

In fact, the massage helped her so much that she went home and told all of her girl-friends about this young man who made her knees feel like new.

The next day, more ladies were there for help with arthritic knees!

When we returned to Armenia the follow-ing day, Rogers had no idea what was in store for him. As we got out of the truck, we saw a group of women hobbling towards us, pointing at Rogers. “There he is,” one of them said. I couldn’t help but laugh inside. These ladies were back to all get that special massage from Rogers. This time, I did have a few of the other volunteers assist, and at least keep Rogers company. He did a great


People reached by our Medical Missionary work People reached by our Medical Missionary work

“Workers - gospel medical missionaries - are needed now. You cannot afford to spend years in preparation. Soon doors now open to the truth will be forever closed. Carry the message now. Do not wait, allowing the enemy to take possession of the fields now open before you.

Let little companies go forth to do the work to which Christ appointed His disciples.” 9T, p. 172

“The Great Physician, the originator of medical mis-sionary work, will bless every one who will go forward humbly and trustfully, seeking to impart the truth for this time.” ibid, May 5, 1904

People reached by our Medical Missionary work People reached by our Medical Missionary work

“Let them labor as evangelists, scattering our pub-lications, and talking of the truth to those they meet. Let them pray for the sick, ministering to their necessities, not with drugs, but with nature’s remedies, and teaching them how to regain health and avoid disease.” 9T, p. 172

“Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes. God’s people are to be genuine medical missionaries, for they are to learn to minister to the needs of both body and soul.” R&H, Dec. 17, 1914

Carry God's Word to Every Man's Door

by Elsa

“A revival in Bible study is needed throughout the world. Attention is to be called, not to the assertion of men, but to the word of God.”

Dear friends, as we see the shortness of time, we are constantly praying and asking God to show us how to redeem the time and further His work in this world. Here in these mountains, where He has placed us….I know people sometime wonder what Elsa and Joe are going to do next:)….we just want to accomplish all that we can for the Master, that many souls may be in the kingdom.

A few months ago, a consecrated young man from Nicaragua approached us about working with M.M.M..We asked him to come for a visit, so we could get to know him better. We prayed and saw in him humility, and a thorough knowledge of the scriptures, a good combination for a Bible worker. So for the past couple of months Douglas Bravo, 21 yrs. old, has been carrying God’s Word to everyman’s door here in La Zona and surrounding villages. You see, Douglas is very unassuming in his appearance, so it is very easy for people to let him into their homes, but when Douglas opens up that Bible, it is the plain Word of God that he gives, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, he is able to answer thoroughly whatever question or doubt that is pre-sented to him.

Meet Douglas, our newest missionary Douglas is approachable and unassuming

“The Bible is brought into families, and it’s sacred truths come home to the conscience. Men are entreated to read, examine, and judge for themselves…God will not permit this precious work for Him to go unrewarded. He will crown with success every humble effort made in His name.” Gospel Workers. P. 192

Douglas is currently conducting 20, that’s right….Twenty, different Bible studies. By God’s grace he has been able to enter the homes of those that had been hard to reach because of their prejudice and personal religious beliefs.

Please keep Douglas in your prayers. He is also a very good example for our Missionary Trainees. He spends half the day in the garden and the afternoon and evenings in Outreach Evangelism. We don’t want to leave any stone unturned; we want to give every person, as many as we can possibly reach, to have the opportunity to hear for themselves what is truth.

“Unto the poor the gospel is to be preached. Never does the gospel put on an aspect of greater loveliness than when it is brought to the most needy and destitute regions….Truth from the Word of God enters the hovel of the peasant and lights up the rude cottages of the poor, both black and white. Rays from the Sun of Righteous-ness bring gladness to the sick and suffering. Angels of God are there, and the simple faith shown makes the crust of bread and the cup of water as a banquet of luxury. Those who have been loathed and abandoned are raised through faith and pardon to the dignity of sons and daughters of God.” W.M. p. 169

A Merry Heart Doeth Good

by Joe

Before beginning our outreach in Jutiapa, the director of Radio Redemption, brother Jimenez, told us about two young women living in a nearby village who needed medical help, and asked if I would take time to visit them while in the area.

My first Sabbath in Jutiapa was very pleasant. Our mission team split up into groups and attended two small mission churches which Bro. Jimenez established and pastors. To my surprise, Rene spoke for the 11 O’clock service. The more I witness the ministry of our young Missionary Trainees, the more I understand why God impressed us to establish the Maranatha Missionary Training Center.

After church service, our little group went to visit the first of the two women who were ill. As we walked up the long and muddy trail, it kind of reminded me of our work in La Zona. When we reached our destination, Bro. Jimenez introduced me to Yessenia, a beautiful, healthy looking 24 year old woman. From what I was told, Yessenia was on her way to go swimming, when some boys started chasing her. While running across a bridge, she lost her footing, and fell onto rocks, into the riverbed below. Doctors told her she had fractured her spine, and would remain paralyzed from the waist down. This was obviously devastating news for her. Al-though she and her family were poor, living in a small adobe mud shack, she still had only begun to live her life. Yessenia lived at home, in poverty, with her mother and three siblings. Unfortunately, her mother consid-ered her, and her condition, a burden, and expressed these feelings through her words and actions, leaving Yessenia very depressed and alone. As I examined her, I noticed that she had feeling and nerve response in her legs and feet. I am not a doctor, but I believe when there is feeling and nerve action, there is hope of re-covery, though one may be temporarily paralyzed. I told Yessenia that through treatment and gentle physical therapy, she had a good chance of full recovery. When I told her this, I remember she looked at her mother, who only had a smirk of unbelief on her face. Nevertheless, I encouraged Yessenia to be hopeful and prayer-ful. We had prayer with Yessenia and left the home. I felt so sorry for her, that she did not have anyone in the home to pray with her, encourage her and give her hope of recovery.

Returning to our Outpost in La Zona, I felt impressed to continue to help Yessenia in some way, so I re-turned to Jutiapa two weeks later and visited Yessenia again. I could hardly believe what I saw. Yessenia had lost nearly 50% of her body weight, and she looked to be semi-comatose. I was informed that she hadn’t eaten anything since we left her two weeks before. She needed nourishment, and quickly. I attempted to start an IV on her, but all of her veins had collapsed. Before leaving, I held Yessenia’s hand, and told her that God loves her with an everlasting and unconditional love; And He wants to heal her completely. I instructed the mother on how to hydrate and nourish her daughter. I prayed that God would show me some way how I could help this woman, because I knew that, given the proper, consistent treatments, she would recover. Returning to Radio Redemption, I told Bro. Jimenez that if Yessenia did not receive nourishment, she would not survive much longer. Yessenia died about 10 hours later. What a needless, senseless death. I believe Yessenia sensed that she was a burden on her family; She felt unloved and alone; She felt that she had been cheated out of liv-ing a normal healthy life; So she gave up hope, and she gave up living. I can only pray that her soul was right with God. I do thank Him for giving me the opportunity to share His love and compassion for Yessenia. May God save her.

Thank God, He does not leave us in sorrow. While the story of Yessenia is sorrowful and tragic, I am so happy to tell you about the second young woman I met. Her name is Ligia Yanet (Lee-hee-ah). She too is 24 years old, and lives only a stones throw from where Yessenia lived. About two years ago, Ligia was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which is a disease that literally destroys the nervous system, leaving the person in a withered, semi-paralytic condition. Although Ligia has good feeling throughout her body, she has no mus-cle control, and is unable to move. Before meeting Ligia, I was expecting to see another severely depressed young woman who felt unloved and cheated out of a normal life. Boy, was I wrong!!!

Ligia in her old not very comfortable bedOne of the sweetest smiles!

I was greeted by one on the most beautiful smiles I’d ever seen on a patient. I reached out to shake her hand, not realizing that she couldn’t move from the neck down; Instead of a hand shake, her smile only grew bigger. Lying on a seemingly uncomfortable lounge chair, Ligia mouthed a few whispering words. Now I don’t understand Spanish very well, let alone inaudible Spanish; So, Ligia’s mother had to interpret her whispers, and then another person had to trans-late the mother’s Spanish. It’s times like these that I wish I had focused more diligently on learning Span-ish. Nevertheless, we managed to communicate. I’m a firm believer that it’s not always what is said that’s important. More is said through acts of love and kindness, than words could ever speak.

My first visit with Ligia was rather short; My visit to her was simply to encourage her in the Lord. I never expected or intended to treat her as a patient. She lives six hours away from our Outpost in the moun-tains, and it would be nearly impossible for me to treat her… I thought. We had prayer with Ligia and the family, and wished her well. It was then that Ligia looked at me with the strangest look. Then I heard (felt) God speaking to me, saying, “Why don’t YOU help her?” I remembered a statement from Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 29 - “Do not wait to be told your duty. Open your eyes and see who are around you; make your-selves acquainted with the helpless, afflicted, and needy. Hide not yourselves from them and seek not to shut out their needs.” Was I unknowingly making excuses why not to get involved in Ligia’s care? God forbid!!

Returning to the Outpost, I made a diligent effort to learn as much as I could about Guillain-Barre Syn-drome; And I contacted numerous people asking for their expertise and assistance.

Two weeks later, I returned to Ligia’s home, and began by getting her something comfortable to lay on. Next, we bought her a radio, so she could lis-ten to Christian broadcasting; And what better ra-dio station to listen to than Radio Redemption?

Now, it was time for me to examine Ligia, and begin treatments.

I was told that Ligia had a few “sores” on her body, but I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Ligia had a total of nine decubitus ulcers, from the heels of her feet, to her shoulders. The most serious were, of course, on her buttocks. I have been in the medical field for more than 35 years, and I believe that the majority of all decu-bitus ulcers are caused by neglect. In hospitals and nursing homes, it is uncalled for; but in private settings you cannot expect nonmedical personnel to know or understand how to prevent or treat decubitus ulcers. Usually, family members are too overwhelmed by the illness affecting their loved one. Ligia had been lying on her back for nearly two years, and the evidence was written all over her body. Lack of movement, lack of circulation to immovable parts of the body, lack of exercise and proper nutrition, all played a part in the de-terioration of her body. It was time for a healing….So, let the healing begin!

Cleansing her soresCaring for LigiaShe must be moved oftenShe must receive adequate nutrition and hydrationMeet Ligia

Ligia lives with, and is cared for, by her mother, who also cares for seven small children belonging to rela-tives who could not care for the children themselves. The house they live in is provided, rent free, by a Christian brother from the nearby Islands. This fam-ily lives in such poverty, that some days they must go without eating, and proper nutrition is so important for Ligia’s healing progress.

Ligia cannot control bodily functions, and needs to wear (should wear) adult pampers, but they cannot afford them. Her mother attends to her all day, be-cause Ligia needs to be suctioned about every thirty minutes to keep fluid from building up in her lungs.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about and pray for Ligia. I now kick myself when I get upset that things aren’t working out just right in my life. Who am I to get upset,...about anything? God has blessed me with life and health and strength; And a wonder-ful, supportive, Christian wife. Above all, He has blessed me, and through His mercy, allowed me to take part in the greatest work ever given to man; That of demonstrating His love and compassion to others.

One might think that I have done a lot to help Ligia, but I can honestly say that she has done much more for me. Caring for her has been one of the richest blessing I’ve experienced. To see a young person, in such ter-rible condition, is heartbreaking; Yet, Ligia is so joyful and happy and thankful. Never have I seen her un-happy or depressed. Ligia’s condition is far worse than that of Yessenia’s; But there is one thing that will make the difference in the outcome; Ligia’s attitude. God’s word tells us that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. This being true, Ligia has an abundance of the healing medicine. I strongly believe that God will heal Ligia, and restore her to health and strength…..this is my prayer…..Let it also be your prayer.

I realize that Ligia’s treatments and recovery will take time, but we are committed to caring for her until she recovers.

M.M.M. & MTI are providing for all of Ligia’s needs…..Food, personal items, medical supplies & treatments.

If you feel so impressed to help with Ligia’s care, please contact us.

A very special thanks to brother Jimenez, who assists with Ligia’s care. We also want to thank Dr. Kerry Neall, David Arbour, John Keim, and so many others who have given of their time and means to help with Ligia’s treatments and needs.

From Ligia: “Please thank everyone who is praying for me, and wanting to help me. Thank you so much.”

Health Nugget

Friends, many years ago, I began telling people about the harmful, even deadly effects of immunizations and vaccines. I thought God’s people would be receptive and happy to receive such information; But I was wrong. My words were met with unbelief and doubt, choosing to believe the worlds medical specialists than God’s word. Sensing that Christians weren’t interested in hearing this harsh truth, I kept quiet. But I must once again, strongly tell you that the medical association is determined to “control” your health and health care. Already, they are making it mandatory for all to receive vaccinations and immunizations. And the time is soon coming, that if you refuse to receive mandatory immunizations, you will be quarantined or impris-oned. Government always test your response to such drastic measures first; And they’ve begun this phase of “control” using the H1N1 virus immunization.

Researching information about Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) opened my eyes even more, and confirmed what I felt and knew from the very beginning. GBS is generally caused by receiving immunizations or vacci-nations. Just recently, I received an e-mail from someone who had GBS, and who told me they contracted GBS after receiving immunizations. GBS is only one of many diseases caused by immunizations.

So dear friends, I encourage you to study God’s word. Place your trust in Him and Him alone. Man, (the world), does not care one thing about you or your health, unless there is a benefit in it for them. Do not fear the threats of the government, or of what they will do to you if you do not consent to their demands. Our body’s belong to God, and if we believe in Him, and are faithful to His instructions, He will keep His prom-ises and will keep us in perfect health. Do not allow yourselves to be as sheep, led to the slaughter. God de-sires that we have life, and have it more abundantly. Trust in the Lord is our only safety.

Ministry Matters

  • If you would like for us to visit your church this summer, please notify us before May 2010.

  • M.M.M. is collecting any and all small item medical supplies, such as, exam gloves, gauze, band-aids, antibiotic creams, etc..

  • We are planning on going to Haiti to assist in the disaster relief efforts there. If you wish to assist in any way, please contact us. Whatever assistance you give will be gratefully accepted and appreciated. Pray that God will direct us to those with the greatest needs.

Prayer Corner

Ligia Yanet - Healing and restoration; Physically and spiritually.

John Smith & family - Consolation in the loss of their daughter.

Mildred Thomas - Health and strength.

Radio Redemption—May God supply all of their needs.

Missionary Training Center - Provide property and funds needed.

Hope Scruggs - Outreach ministry in Belize.

Survivor victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Your prayers are needed.

Joe & Elsa

Dear M.M.M. Family, over the years we have enjoyed the privilege of sharing with you through our newsletters the wonderful and blessed work God is doing in the foreign mission field. You have been faithful in supporting our ministries, and have enabled us to continue as co-laborers with Christ in the salvation of souls. By God’s grace, we shall continue to labor in His vineyard. We love you, and thank you for your faithfulness.

Serious times are just ahead, for all of us. God’s people need to, as never before, prepare for these troublous times. World governments do not recognize or acknowledge God as mans only salvation, but they realize the world cannot survive or exist in its present condition; Therefore, they are devising plans to “restructure” earth’s population. Meaning, they must eliminate at least two billion people within the next few years,…..legally, of course. This will be accomplished through the food industries, medical and pharmaceutical industries, and “Homeland Security Mandates”. I believe that God will not allow this to happen. Instead, His (God’s) judgments will be poured out throughout the earth, and only those who are His faithful children, in word, deed, and character, will survive. “As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention, and cure. And those who do this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help, not only among those of our own faith, but largely among those who know not the truth.” Medical Missionary, Nov. / Dec. 1892

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