Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Maranatha Newsletter July/August 2010

Greetings Dear M.M.M. Family;

God has been so good to us here in the mission field of Honduras. We look forward to every opportunity to share with you how our Savior has used this humble ministry to reach souls with the present truth for these last days; And with each message of truth, we do not forget the physical needs.

We can’t help but think of how God has blest us with such humble, dedicated, Christian volunteers, whose only thought is to do His will. Whose only desire is to use all of their talents for the finishing of His work.

“A new energy proceeding from beneath is taking possession of the whole synagogue of Satan, and a new life descending heaven is taking possession of every human agent who is consecrated, devoted, and who is seeking to work the works of God....The voice of God calls from heaven, and demands the use of every entrusted capability. Every talent is to be used to its uttermost.” Manuscript 6, Feb. 21, 1895

The time is now, dear friends, for us all to use our talents and energies to rescue suffering and lost humanity. The enemy wants to keep God’s people wrapped-up in selfishness. Don’t let the devil fool you. Your only happiness, is in giving of yourself in godly love and compassion for others. Time for that delicious glass of water. Go ahead, add a twist of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Kick your feet up, and may God encourage you with this missionary newsletter.

M.M.M. Goes To Haiti

by Joe

I cannot begin this report without first telling you that we serve a most loving and merciful God. One who sees the future and knows the best direction for His children.

I was scheduled to leave for Haiti shortly after the earthquake hit that small island country. Whenever disaster hits in this hemisphere, M.M.M. immediately begins prayerful planning to assist in relief efforts. Yes, we are a very small ministry in comparison to many others, but we believe that God has called this small ministry to help all who are in need, regardless of its size or popularity. If only to bring relief assistance to one family, or one person, is worth the time or expense. Our vow to God, is to go where He wants us to go, and we’ll do what He wants us to do; We’ll say what He wants us to say, and by God’s grace, we’ll be what He wants us to be.

Just before purchasing our plane tickets for Haiti, I received a phone call from the states, saying that my brother’s health was deteriorating, and I needed to come and see about him. Over the years, my brother had had several set-backs with his

health, but God knew that Steve only had a short time to life, and I needed to be there with him during this time. I thank God for allowing me to be with my brother the last few weeks of his life. Only God could have foreseen and orchestrated such a plan.

The time finally came for me to leave for Haiti. Although contacts had been made, it was unsure exactly where I would begin the work. I had initially planned to work within three preselected “tent camps” in the capital city of Port Au Prince; But, as I learned long ago, I may plan, but God directs. While driving through the city, I noticed that nearly 75% of all the buildings were either damaged or completely destroyed. What use to be extremely harsh living conditions, is now almost indescribable.

Nothing like a strong Echinacea / Goldenseal Tincture drink

Thousands upon thousands are living in donated tents provided by relief organizations from around the world. These agencies were also working to provide assistance directly to those living in the “tent camps.” Since these victims were receiving plenty of assistance, I decided to focus my attentions on finding those who were not re-ceiving any assistance. Once again, God knew exactly where He wanted me to be.

After doing a little further investigating, I learned about a group of Adventist whose church had completely collapsed during the earth-quake. Unable to build another church, they are now meeting in the outdoors.

At our first meeting, I asked for a show of hands of all members who had been affected by the earthquake. I was rather surprised to see every hand go up. I then asked how many of the members were living is tents. Once again, every hand went up. My heart immediately went out to these people, because I had seen first hand how difficult it must be to live in such conditions, with little or no food, water, medical care; or restroom facilities,... not to mention the heat.

Our outreach assistance began at 7:30 every morning. I was asked to do medical consultations in a small, congested mountain community not far from where their church use to be. Everyone was invited. When I stood to welcome them, the first words that came out of their mouths were, “We’ve been praying and waiting for you to come. Thank you for coming to help us.”

We began every day with worship and singing. Thank the Lord I had an interpreter, because I didn’t understand any-thing they were saying; I don’t speak French, but the Holy Spirit was present, making it such a pleasant fellowship.

As consultations and treatments began, I found that the majority of complaints were as result of the poor living conditions. Fungus infections, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, urinary tract infections, depression, all could be indirectly contributed to the after affects of the earthquake. People had no choice but to bathe, wash their clothes, and even drink from small contaminated rivers, causing numerous health problems. I later learned that due to such mass destruction throughout Port Au Prince, the Haitian government had given up trying to recover all of the bodies; Bodies that are today, decomposing and contaminating water supplies throughout the city and beyond.

Using God’s natural remedies, M.M.M. was able to treat everyone who came to us for assistance. In addition, every person received instruction on what they can do to better their health. Before leaving Haiti, I met with the team who had been assisting me, to evaluate the work that had been done. They each had a look of sadness and despair on their faces. I asked them what was wrong, and they told me they wanted me to stay longer. They said that they can now see how important God’s health message is. But the best news of all came when they told me they had decided to continue with the same health consultations & treatments once every month. I was so thankful for this decision, that I decided to leave them with nearly all of my left-over medical supplies, including my favorite blood pressure cuff & stethoscope. Only God knows the future results of this mission outreach to Haiti; but I believe there are now dozens of precious souls who know that God loves them, and has not forgotten them. I have made firm contacts in Haiti, and it is my desire to continue helping, by providing my team members there with medical supplies and natural remedies, to enable them to continue their health ministry’s program.

“Can You Help Me?”

by Elsa

A couple of weeks ago, Elsa asked me to come by the restaurant because there was a man with severe respiratory problems needing a consultation. I agreed, and we met early one morning just after La Canasta de Vida opened its doors. While sitting there listening to Mr. “Junior”, I began thinking about the story of the woman in the Bible who spent all of her money on physicians and so-called remedies that did her no good, only made her worse. Junior told us how he had been going to doctors for years, with complaints about his asthma, and, although he is taking many types of medication, he is none the better. He then pulled out 6 inhalers his doctor had prescribed for him. I could hardly believe my eyes. He told us how the doctor instructed him to use a certain two inhalers everyday for maintenance, another two when breathing becomes difficult, and use two more if he goes into crisis. He was also prescribed a high dose of prednisone, a very dangerous drug, in my opinion.

After listening to Mr. Junior’s complaints, it was obvious he needed help; But it would be necessary for him to go through a system cleanse in order to get his health back on track, and clean him out from all the toxins caused by poor nutrition and chemical medications. Elsa informed Junior that it would be good if he could come to our Outpost Clinic for treatments, and it would take at least a week to complete the treatments. Junior readily agreed, feeling this was his last hope of getting help.

Not only would this be an opportunity for Junior to regain his health and discontinue a lot of unnecessary medications, it would also be a blessing for our Trainees to put to use the skills they’ve learned over the years, and experience first-hand, what it means to minister to someone in need.

When Junior showed up, he was so impressed with how nice things looked at this “clinic in the mountains.” The first day, we simply explained to him what treatments he would be undergoing; And told him that we, (human beings), can-not heal disease or illness. It is God, and only God, who can provide true healing to the body.

I wish you all could have been here to see our Missionary Trainees at work; their sincerity, dedication, compassion, and most of all, their spiritual conduct. Junior said he has never seen young men like these before.

This was actually the first time our MT’s have been given the full responsibility of caring for a long-term, in-house patient, but they were eager to get started, and, under the supervision of brother Hernando, put to use all they had learned.

As always, we begin the day with worship and thanksgiving; then, the treatments began. Elsa had outlined a dietary schedule for Junior, which consisted of lots of fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables.

Usually when someone goes on a system cleanse, they begin to feel worse the first few days. This is due to the body’s efforts to push toxins and bacteria out through the pores and other organs of elimination. This is normal, and to be expected. To aide the body in its work of eliminating impurities, we place the patient in our homemade Russian Steam cabinet. I’ve used it on Elsa, and can testify to its effectiveness. It really works.

Junior enjoys a delicious, nutritious fruit bowl

In-patient care is not easy work, for the patient or the health care provider. It’s so much easier to simply go to the doctor and have him/her prescribe medication to take, which will, in truth, only mask the symptoms. God’s natural remedies for healing takes a lot of diligent work, but the reward is true healing. These young Missionary Trainees will one day soon be on their own, working as Gospel Medical Missionary Evangelists, and MMM wants them to have a strong, firm foundation to stand on.

The program included lectures on the 8 laws of health and how each one of them is designed to benefit the body and restore and maintain good health. Junior was an attentive student, who took it all in. He was amazed at the simple yet life giving information he was receiving. He became so excited at how well he felt and all that he was learning that he asked if his wife could join him, because she too was overweight and suffering from a variety of ailments and taking a bag full of different types of pills. He wanted her to experience what he was experiencing, to learn all that he was learning, especially about health and The word of God. Junior’s experience at the outpost has not only improved his health, but has changed his life. He is now eating those foods that will heal the damage done to his body over the years. But the most rewarding testimony of all, is that Mr. Junior wants to learn more about God; The God who is healing him physically, mentally, and spiritually. He has told us that he wants to continue worshiping on Sabbaths, and that he and his wife would like to come and spend Sabbaths with us, because they want to learn to keep the Sabbath day holy, and be around their new found family. This is what medical missionary work is all about.

Since being at the outpost, and going through this mini health session, Junior’s health has greatly improved. He no longer needs or feels dependent upon all those inhalers and medications he was taking for his asthma, and his wife feels so much better, because she too is losing excess weight, and feeling healthier.

When I first met with Junior, he appeared somewhat distressed, and his nerves were a wreck; he was sweaty and his hands were shaky. All of these symptoms are now a thing of the past. He feels great. Praise the Lord for His life saving health message.

“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people.”

Acts Of Love, Not Forgotten

by Joe and Elsa

You may remember a few years ago when we wrote about a little boy who came to the outpost in the middle of the night. He had been riding his dads horse when something spooked it, throwing the 5 year old Henry to the ground. Poor Henry landed directly on his face, causing damage to his head and mouth. The most serious damage was done to Henry’s upper front teeth; part of which had been broken off, and the remaining broken teeth pushed up into the gum.

The “operation” to remove bits and pieces of teeth from Henry’s upper gum was successful. And I have to say that little Henry was the perfect patient. Years passed, and we hadn’t heard from nor seen “Little Henry.”

One day while Elsa was taking her morning walk, she saw a man with a young boy coming down the hill, as they got closer the young boy ran towards her and gave her the biggest hug…it was “little Henry,” who had now grown into a handsome young boy.

To think that this little boy would not only remember all that took place that night many years ago, but with earnest sincerity, express his thankfulness.

He took Elsa’s hand and, looking up at her straight in the eyes and with heart- felt sincerity said, “Dona Elsa, I want to thank you and the “doctor” for having helped me.”

Elsa hugged him back and holding back the tears, asked “you remember that night when your father brought you to the clinic?

He nodded his head yes, and with a big smile said “I’m going to come visit you and the doctor and bring you some Plantains”…here was this little boy who had not forgotten the act of kindness shown him in his great need that night many years ago; And sure enough, a couple of weeks later, Henry and his mother came by the clinic with a nice bunch of Plantains. Please pray for Henry, that he will grow up to share God’s love and compassion with others.

Ministry Matters:

Attention MMM Family: We need your help.

We have enjoyed sending out our mission reports over the years, and we want all who have been blest by these reports to continue receiving our newsletters. We have reviewed our records, and found that there are quite a number of people whom we have not heard from in more than a year. It is not certain that these people are even receiving our newsletters.

In our attempt to save money, money which God has entrusted us with, we will be deleting the names of all who have not made contact with MMM in over a year. Each Newsletter costs the ministry about $1.25. That’s a lot of money wasted, if the newsletters are not being read, or received by the person intended. We do want everyone who sincerely wants to remain on our mailing list to continue receiving MMM’s newsletters. Those who have communicated with MMM since January 2009, either by contribution, or simply by writing a note of encouragement, will automatically re-main on our mailing list. If you have not communicated with MMM since January 2009, yet, you wish to remain on our mailing list, you must write or e-mail us before January 2011. We don’t want to loose you, but if we do not hear from you by the end of the year, we will not be able to keep your name on our newsletter mail-out list. Please note, that we are not asking for contributions; we’re simply asking that you communicate with us to let us know that you wish to re-main on our mailing list. Our e-mail address and other contact information can be found on the back page of every newsletter. We certainly hope to hear from you soon. Maranatha.

MMM’s Youngest Missionary:

Meet Sarah Richards, a bright-eyed three year old with a love for missionary work. Her mother says that little Sarah is always looking to help, not only her siblings, but her heart goes out to all who are in need.

Recently, Sarah (with the help of Mom, of course) has come up with a wonderful project to help Maranatha Crisis Children. Most people may have forgotten that MMM even has crisis children, but Sarah didn’t forget. She and Mom ask me to send a photo of one of our crisis children. I decided to send photo’s of two of our young girls who are in great need. Sarah decided she wanted to keep both on her project list.

Sara’s little friends don’t know what’s headed their way, but I can hardly wait to see the looks on their faces when they receive the beautiful things that Sarah sends them. I don’t know for sure, but I think Sarah is planning on sending a few clothes, some school supplies, and, of course, things for them to play with.

My hat goes off to Sarah Richards; a young child; too young to go to school, too young to work, but not too young to give her heart to Jesus in Christian service; and just young enough to still have the innocence to express God’s love and compassion; thinking of giving to others, rather than of what she can receive. May God bless you Sarah.

“Make the Word of God your guide in the education of your children, ever considering what will be for their future good....Now is the time to teach them courtesy and benevolence toward their fellow men, and reverence and love for God.....Fathers and mothers, bring to Him your children, in the freshness and bloom of youth, and devote them to His service." O.H.C. P. 263

God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. He will never leave you,
or forsake you. Draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

Joe and Elsa

“The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living. Rulers and states-men, men who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us. They are watching the strained, restless relations that exist among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element, and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place—that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis.
Angels are now restraining the winds of strife, that they may not blow until the world shall be warned of its coming doom; but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon the earth; and when God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture.” Edu. P. 179, 180.
“The work that should long ago have been in active operation to win souls to Christ has not been done. The inhabitants of the ungodly cities so soon to be visited by calamities have been cruelly neglected. The time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be warned of these coming judgments. But who is giving to the accomplishment of this work the wholehearted service that God requires?” Manuscript 53, 1910

May we all do our faithful part to warn this dying world of Christ’s soon return.

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