A Church On Fire:
By Joe
La Zona House of Prayer is a living church. It is alive and well be-cause of consistent, active community outreach. Over the years, you have seen our mountain grow, from just a few members, to a now full house. It took time for the church members to learn that part of their service to God, includes outreach ministry. At first, they needed a bit of push to get them started, but the Lord took away their shyness, and now they can hardly wait to march up the mountain roads. Every Sabbath after church, about a dozen of our faithful members grab their Bibles, fill their back packs with literature, and walk nearly two miles up the rocky mountain road to the village of El Cerro del Torro.; Together, they hold a mini church service to families awaiting their arrival.
The people you see here in these photo’s are the fruits which have resulted from active medical missionary work. They are so thankful to God for bringing His truth to them, that they must go out and share His truth with others. Oh,...did you think that our missionary outreach was for adults only? No dear friends; Everyone who has a desire and feels the urgency to tell others about Jesus and His love participate in our church outreach ministry. Whether you’re three years old, or sixty years young, you are commissioned by God to minister for Him as His co-laborers in the salvation of souls. Truth be told,...the young have a most effective way of reaching the hearts of people, that adults simply do not have. They may not fully know the doctrines of the church, but they know how to sing and pray and tell Bible stories. What a blessing they are!!!
For Christ’s Sake
By Elsa
I’ve often asked myself, “What would I do, if I had the opportunity to leave the mountains of Honduras, and go to a beautiful , “user-friendly” Country?” That’s a tough decision. I would have never dreamed that Elsa and I would still be here in Honduras after twelve years. God has done a tremendous work in these mountains since the year 2000, and it hasn’t been easy. Why are we still here? Because God,...yes, God has not told us to leave.
Not long ago, we did have an offer to move to a beautiful place further south in Central America. The offer was almost too good to be true. But, after much prayer, we realized that now was not the time. Our work here in Honduras was not yet finished. I would like to think that our decision to remain here in the La Zona mountains aided in a decision made by one of our Maranatha Missionaries.
Just a few months ago, we sent Roger away to train in the field of agriculture. Several months later when he returned, we could see a marked difference in him. He had matured so much. The reports we received were all positive. Roger hadn’t been back home a week, before he received an offer to go to Guatemala, and work at a plush clinic in the country. Roger showed me pictures of the clinic, and I just knew we had lost one of our missionaries. The clinic was beautiful, with all modern equipment. The owner/director of the treatment center was a doctor at Loma Linda Hospital. There was also a beautiful college within walking distance of the clinic. This was truly an offer that few would turn down. Roger is has been with us for several years now, and he is like our son. He asked for our permission to go and work at the clinic in Guatemala. If we said no, would it be for selfish reasons? More than ever, we all needed to pray, and that’s exactly what we instructed Roger to do. I don’t know about Elsa, but I was on pins & needles for nearly a week. Then Roger came to us, and told us that he had made his decision. He told us that, although he would love working at the clinic, learning new things in areas of medicine and agriculture, that if he did go there, his spiritual growth would be in jeopardy. He chose to stay in the mountains with us, where he could continue to mature and grow in the Lord. I cannot tell you how proud we are of Roger.
(Left:Roger, preparing to lance a boil on this man’s back. Right:Roger works diligently in the garden)
He made a very difficult decision; One that could only have been made by yielding to the Holy Spirit. Roger may not yet realize it, but his decision of self-sacrifice will result in many rich blessings and opportunities for him in the future.
God Works In Mysterious Ways
By Joe
Since our young men have graduated, and are now qualified Medical Missionaries, I seldom have the opportunity to do the one thing I love to do,…..medical work. Whenever a patient comes to the clinic needing medical treatment, they jump right in and begin working, before I can even get my gloves on. I’m amazed at how well they have applied them-selves.
One morning, a poor fellow from high in the mountains came to the clinic, wanting to have a growth removed from his hand. I peeked out of my window and saw Roger talking to the man, so I assumed everything was under control. Moments later, Elsa comes into the room to tell me that they need my help. Hallelujah!!! I get to do some medical work. As I go out to talk to the man; I’m greeted by this humble, quiet gentleman, (I’ll call him Jose). He tells me he has something wrong with his hand, but doesn’t want to go to the hospital; He had heard that we care about people, and do good work. After examining Jose’s hand, I began to pray. I really wanted to help him, mainly because he was poor and could not afford proper medical treatment elsewhere; But I knew that I was not skilled or even trained to perform the operation needed.
Jose had a deep, fibrous growth about the size of a quarter, which had grown to this size in only a few months. In the past, I had removed many superficial growths, but nothing like this. Trying to re-move this growth would require cutting (making an incision) all the way to the bone. As I was praying, God reminded me of the many times He had guided my hands; performing procedures I was not qualified to perform. I simply said, “Lord, you will have to do this operation. I’m just going to follow your lead.”
Roger and I set up the O.R., which actually was a plastic kitchen table, set up in our driveway. Looking at Roger, I could see him absorbing every little move I made; taking it all in. I knew that I had better not make any mistakes, because one day, Roger & Rene will be on their own, as Gospel Medical Missionaries.
Now comes the question everyone asks; “Mr. Willis, do you numb your patients before you operate on them?” Yes, dear friends, I always use a local anesthetic on the patient.
The cutting began; deeper and deeper; Past tendons and nerves. At one point I had to stop and just thank God, because I had narrowly missed cutting into a large vein, running along the side of the hand. Finally, I reached the bone, (5th digit metacarpal), and began coring out the growth. I don’t know who was more excited, Roger, or myself. I think Roger was excited, and I was just nervous. After what seemed like hours, I made the final cut, and out came the hard fibrous growth. Jose began to smile. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. But his smile soon changed to concern. I knew this look; it said, “Oh boy,...this is going to cost a fortune.”
Jose was worried that he could not afford the cost of this operation. After bandaging him up, we gave him a cool glass of vitamin water and told him to sit, and rest awhile. All the while, he sat staring off, as if trying to figure out how many years he’d have to work to pay off this bill. I couldn’t stand seeing him go through this. As I walked over to him, he immediately put his hand in his pocket. I quickly stopped him, and told him that he did not owe us anything. However, I did ask him to bring me a batch of bananas, if he had any to spare. Jose pulled out a 100 Lempira bill, (about $5. U.S.). It was all he had. I could not accept his money, mainly because I knew that it was God who performed this operation, not me. Jose was so grateful, he insisted on paying us something. I told him, if he really felt he must pay, that he can give the money to Roger, and thank him for assisting.
Jose and his granddaughter lingered at the clinic, enjoying the peace and quiet and the beautiful flowers. As they began their long journey back up into the mountains, I assured him he was welcomed to come back whenever he needed help. I know this experience touched the heart of Jose. I know that he is a precious soul, for whom Christ gave His life to save. And I believe that medical missionary work has opened the door for God’s truth to reach Jose.
We must all remember, that it is God who gives us true skill and talent. We can do nothing of ourselves, except fail.
The following week, Jose returned to the clinic to show us that his hand is healing remarkably, and to thank us once again for helping him. Thank the Lord, for all He has done.
Those who love Christ will do the works of Christ. They will go forth to seek and to save that which was lost. Healthful Living, 1145
We are not all called to occupy the desk, but we are all called to be missionaries, though perhaps in a limited sense. None can be excused. It is the duty of every one to sow the seed of truth, that it may spring up and bear fruit to the glory of God. The Lord has not given his work into the hands of a few men only; but he has given to every man his charge. {RH, April 1, 1880 par. 3}
There is a great work to be done. How shall we reveal Christ? I know of no better way to reveal Him than to go forth as missionaries to our world. I know of no better way than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry. Wherever you go, there begin to work. Take an interest in those around you who need help and light.MS. 150, 1901.
Prayer Corner:
“Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour...Let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer.” MLT, pg. 17
Please pray for:
Ligia Yanet - Restoration of health.
Michael Lullo - To know how precious he is to God.
Janice - To know how precious she is to God.
Charles & Judy Wilson—Health & healing
Gayle Johnson - God’s rich blessings
Barbara Grahm - God’s blessings upon the work at Advent Home.
Estoria Patton & family - Health & God’s saving grace.
Frances Seabolt - Health & faithfulness to God
Julia Thomas & family - God’s blessings
Jacquelin Lynch - Health & blessings
Pauline Hodges - God’s abundant blessings upon her.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon God’s people &
M.M.M.’s outreach programs.
All of our MMM supporters - May God ever bless you for supporting His soul-winning ministry. The evidence of your faithful support will be manifest when we reach our eternal home. What a glorious day that will be.
Thank you, dear MMM friends.
God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.
Our new ministry e-mail address is mmm.mmtc@yahoo.com
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