Friday, October 14, 2011

Maranatha Newsletter September / October 2010

Greetings Dear M.M.M. Family,

We thank God upon every remembrance of you; praying always that God may richly bless each one of you. We are living in such uncertain times, when we must have a solid connection and personal relationship with God. We need to remember that we are living in the anti-typical day of atonement, a day when the people of God must be searching their hearts, confessing all sin, overcoming by Gods’ grace, and making sure that there is nothing standing between their souls and their Savior ( Leviticus 23:27-29). Dear friends, time is short! and there are signs all around us; signs letting us know that our redemption draweth nigh!

When making plans to come to the States for the summer, we never know, if this will be our last opportunity to visit friends and family in the States. So we want to give thanks to God, for the faithful, capable volunteers, that keep the work going forward in Honduras, making it possible for us to come to the States one more time, and share with our friends and family. We wish we could have seen all of you in person, but we are thankful that we can share God’s blessings through our newsletters. So sit back, get your tall glass of water, and we pray that you will be blessed and encouraged, as you hear of God’s goodness.

M.M.M. Goes To Belize

By Elsa

“ And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Mathew 24:14.

Belize is a neighboring country of Honduras, but our ties to Belize are because of our friend Hope Scruggs. She has volunteered with MMM several times over the past six or seven years, and has always been a blessing. Hope is a faithful soul, who has wanted to do God’s will and the medical missionary work. She was always blest by the work being done in La Zona, and with her “spanglish”:) would do her best to minister to the people. Hope also has a burden to help her family get to the mission field, and she figured she needed to be in an English speaking country, so that’s how she ended up in Belize. After getting established there, she called me up one day and said that she had gone out visiting the homes nearby where they had built their house, and found out that the neighbors were all Spanish speaking ...” I can’t seem to get away from the Spanish” she said. “I’m going to need help”.

Our goal has always been to be a help, to everyone that needs it. In the past we have sent some of our young men to assist Hope with the agricultural needs. And recently she took Celia, one of our former students from Maranatha Institute of Christian Education. This gave Celia the opportunity to share with others the knowledge and skills she had learned while at M.I.C.E; she was able to conduct health classes and do in-home cooking demonstrations. Praise God!

Hope has been faithfully working with her Spanish neighbors, who were in need of a Spanish speaking evangelist to run a crusade. So shortly before leaving for the States, I took time out of a busy preparation schedule to take our Bible worker, Douglas Bravo, to help in Belize, I knew that he would be a blessing. I stayed for a week, and translated for Douglas that Sabbath as he presented a series of powerful and pertinent messages to the English speaking congregation.

Translating for Douglas

After leaving, Hope kept me informed of all the work that Douglas was doing, how much the people were en-joying the Bible studies, how much he had inspired Hines, the young man that has been working with her in that neighborhood. She also shared how the Evangelical pastor in that neighborhood had agreed to allow Douglas to use his church to hold an evangelistic meeting. I have met this pastor, and I know that his heart is soft, because he has experienced God’s love through Hope trying to communicate with him in her “spanglish," and her trying to share health information with he and his family. He was also very impressed with Douglas’s teaching and preaching.

Douglas and Evangelical Pastor

Douglas, giving Bible studies to an Evangelical Pastor. He can hardly believe all that he’s learning

We thank God for faithful, dedicated Bible workers like Douglas, who are willing to consecrate their lives and talents to bring the gospel of salvation to others. We are also praying for the Evangelical pastor and his family, that the Lord will continue to work upon his heart. I’m also hoping that in the future, he will allow his daughters to come and work with me in Honduras. Please keep Hope and her Bible outreach ministry in your prayers.

Douglas and Hope give Bible studies

Douglas conducts Bible Studies with several members, as Hope assists

One Of The Least Of These

By Elsa

In our short visit to Belize we had the privilege of meeting a very special child of God.: A homeless old man by the name of Francisco. The young couple that work with Hope, had taken him into their home, and he was very thankful for their kindness. When I met him, he had a book on hand, And in one of our visits to the Evangelical pastor, Mr. Francisco surprised all of us, when he stood up, and began instructing the pastor on the importance of keeping the law of God. He went scripture to scripture giving clear explanations, all from memory, he really knew his Bible. Our hearts were touched by Mr. Francisco. His health was not good and all he had to his name were a few pieces of clothes and an old pair of tattered, over sized boots.

Mr. Francisco and Mildred

Sister Mildred who had accompanied me to Belize decided to buy him a new pair of boots. Well, he was so happy, you should’ve seen the smile on his face, he gave sister Mildred the biggest hug, and kept quoting Mathew 25:40 “...In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” So friends let us always be ready to give to “the least of these our brethren.”

M.M.M. Outreach In The U.S.A.

By Joe

What goes through your mind when you hear the name—Maranatha Medical Ministries? Many think of MMM as a foreign missionary ministry, working for the poor in Honduras; but friends, we are not confined to one geographic location. Every summer, Elsa and I take the time to return to the U.S. and share with our brothers and sisters of the work God is doing through this ministry. It is our desire to share with all of God’s people, His love and care for them; and to remind all that Jesus is soon to return.

This summer was our busiest yet. We were able to travel to seven states, from Tennessee to Illinois, and what a blessing it was. We were invited by several churches to share our mission reports, and on Sunday’s, we would do a seminar that we call, “Healing Edibles.” The Healing Edibles seminar’s are always exciting, because people learn how to use fruits and vegetables from their very own kitchen, to heal diseases and restore health.

Elsa Teaching Health

For instance, did you know that you can use the mashed leaves of a cabbage for relieving pain and inflammation in joints and muscles? And, the juice of the cabbage is excellent for healing peptic ulcers? The average person spends hundreds of dollars every year on pharmaceutical medications, when all they have for treating their illness can be found right in their kitchen. We should remember that, “disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health.” Though we may at times contribute to our own unhealthy condition, God is ever merciful; and has provided natural remedies for the healing of His people,....if we trust in Him, and obey His counsel. Friends, our heavenly Father wants us to be in perfect health. The healthier our bodies, the healthier and clearer our minds are to receive and accept His precious truths.

“Those of you who are suffering with poor health, there is a remedy for you. If thou clothe the naked, and bring the poor that are cast out to thy house, and deal thy bread to the hungry, “then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.” Doing good is an excellent remedy for disease.” MH.304.

If God allows MMM to return to the U.S. next year, we will continue to reach out to all who are in need of that healing balm, which only Christ can bestow.

Christ is our only hope.

Many may think it strange to kneel down and begin a treatment on someone they’ve never met before. We have merged into a society that lives unto itself, not wanting to interact with those whom we do not know. But this is not how God wants us to be. Christ came and died for every living being on this planet; making us all brothers and sisters, the purchase of His blood. And, those who accept Christ as their personal Savior are truly part of His family. Christ has told us that, “The work which the disciples did, we also are to do. Every Christian is to be a missionary. In sympathy and compassion we are to minister to those in need of help, seeking with unselfish earnestness to lighten the woes of suffering humanity.”

So, you see, when we find someone in need of healing, we do not stand back and wish them well; If it is within our power to help them, we will!

Elsa and Joe demonstrating treatments

“All may find something to do. None need feel that there is no place where they can labor for Christ. The Savior identified Himself with every child of humanity. That we might become members of the heavenly family, He became a member of the earthly family. He is the Son of man, and thus a brother to every son and daughter of Adam. His followers are not to feel them-selves detached from the perishing world around them. They are a part of the great web of humanity, and heaven looks upon them as brothers to sinners as well as to saints.” “He who becomes a child of God should henceforth look upon himself as a link in the chain let down to save the world, one with Christ in His plan of mercy, going forth with Him to seek and save the lost.” M.H. pg. 58 & 59

Do you want to experience joy and blessings in your life? If so, then I encourage you to do something kind for someone today. Let your motives be pure, and your desire to help be genuine, so that God’s healing power may be seen and felt through you.

We all know of someone, a friend, a neighbor, a family member who needs Godly kindness and love. Let us share God’s blessings of love with everyone we meet.

In every church visited, the people were excited about missionary work. Why? Because medical missionary work is the right arm of the gospel, and one cannot resist it’s heavenly influence. All of God’s people have been called to the medical ministry, to do the same work Christ did when He was here on earth. “We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the suffering and afflicted. We are to minister to the despairing, and to inspire hope in the hopeless.” Do not let the enemy rob you of the rich blessings that lay in store for you. Are you nervous about how to begin? Worried about what people will think? Don’t be dear friends; Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and let Him direct your path. What joy awaits you when you give all of yourself in service to God, and to humanity.

Dad Neall and Shelley Powell

How wonderful it is when we see God’s people so excited about the work MMM is doing to help others, that they too want to take part; Such as the Powell / Neall family in Boones Mill, VA, who donated medical supplies and school items for the children in Honduras. Pastor Neall, (whom we lovingly refer to as “Dad Neall” (above left) and his daughter Shelley Powell, came to volunteer with us a couple of years ago, and saw firsthand the needs of the poor.

Aunt Ruth and Aunt Pauline

After leaving Virginia, we finished up our summer in the states by visiting my last two surviving aunts, both living in Illinois. While it is our primary mission to minister and help care for the poor in other countries, we cannot forget or neglect those closest to us, especially our family members. Aunt Ruth (above left) is in her 80’s, spry and chipper as ever.; and Aunt Pauline (above right) is in her 90’s. She recently had cataract laser surgery, which left her completely blind.

Whether in the mountains of Honduras, or visiting the sick and shut-in in the U.S., God has allowed us the privilege of being co-workers with Him. There is no greater honor, than to selflessly give of ourselves to help others in need, and to show them that God does love them with an everlasting and unconditional love.

“Love to God and love to our neighbor constitutes the whole duty of man. Without brotherly kindness we cannot exhibit the grace of love to God or to our fellow man.” “The Lord has a peculiar people on the earth, and He is not ashamed to call them brethren; for they do the works of Christ....The reward, the glories of heaven, bestowed upon the overcomers, will be proportionate to the degree in which they have represented the character of Christ to the world. Thank God that it is our privilege to sow on earth the seed that will be harvested in eternity.” OHC, pg.123

Ministry Matters: (2nd Notification)

Attention MMM Family:

We want to sincerely thank all who have taken the time to write to us. We are only able to actually receive your notes & letters when we come to the U.S., but Oh, how we do enjoy reading them. You all are such an encouragement and blessing to us. Please keep us in your prayers; and to all who have written, you may know that you will remain on our mailing list. Thank you so much.
We have enjoyed sending out our mission reports over the years, and we want all who have been blest by these reports to continue receiving our newsletters. We have reviewed our records, and found that there are quite a number of people whom we have not heard from in more than a year. It is not certain that these people are even receiving our newsletters.

In our attempt to save money, money which God has entrusted us with, we will be deleting the names of all who have not made contact with MMM in the past two years. Each Newsletter costs the ministry about $1.25. That’s a lot of money wasted, if the newsletters are not being read, or received by the person intended. We do want everyone who sincerely wants to remain on our mailing list to continue receiving MMM’s newsletters. Those who have communicated with MMM since January 2009, either by contribution, or simply by writing a note of encouragement, will automatically remain on our mailing list. If you have not communicated with MMM since January 2009, yet, you wish to remain on our mailing list, you must write or e-mail us before January 2011. We don’t want to loose you, but if we do not hear from you by the end of the year, we will not be able to keep your name on our newsletter mail-out list. Please note, that we are not asking for contributions; we’re simply asking that you communicate with us to let us know that you wish to remain on our mailing list. Our e-mail address and other contact information can be found on the back page of every newsletter. We certainly hope to hear from you soon. Maranatha.

Prayer Corner:

Please add these dear ones to your prayer list, and remember that the fervent prayers of God’s people, including intercessory prayers, availeth much.

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Seabolt Family - Health & healing for all family members.
Francis Seabolt - Strength in the Lord.
Judy Lynch - Restoration of health for family member
Pauline Hodges - Restoration of eyesight, if it is God’s will.
Ruth Willis - Continued health and clearness of mind.
Joe & Katrina - Comfort in the loss of a child, debts, and work.
Gayle Johnson - Strength to work with family members.
John Kein - Health & healing, protection for his business.
Thelma McCormack - The Lord’s blessings.
J. Lynch - Health & healing of son.
K. Collins - Health & healing of daughter.
Judy & Charles Wilson - Health & Strength, God’s rich blessings.
The Wiesner Family - God’s blessings
Lois Dorsey - Health & Healing, Trust in the Lord

Pray Without Ceasing

God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. He will never leave you, or forsake you. Draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

Joe and Elsa

Dear M.M.M. family, may you be encouraged by these words from Inspiration: “Circumstances may separate friends; the restless waters of the sea may roll between us and them. But no circumstances, no distance, can separate us from the Saviour. Wherever we may be, He is at our right hand, to support, maintain, uphold, and cheer. Greater than the love of a mother for her child is Christ’s love for His redeemed. It is our privilege to rest in His love, to say,
“I will trust Him; for He gave His life for me.” M.H. p. 38

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9. In view of the glorious inheritance which may be his, “what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” He may be poor; yet he possesses in himself a wealth and dignity that the world could never bestow.The soul redeemed and cleansed from sin, with all its noble powers dedicated to the service of God, is of surpassing worth.” “The Lord wants His own property. When we have given to God soul, body, and spirit; when we have kept appetite under the control of enlightened conscience, and wrestled against every lust, showing that we consider each organ as God’s property, intended for His service; when all our affections move in harmony with the Lord’s mind, fastening on
objects “which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” — then we have given the Lord His own.” OHC, p. 39 & 42

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