Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maranatha Newsletter November/December 2011

Dear MMM Friends & Family,

Another year is coming to an end, and we are thankful to God for all His Blessings, we are thankful for you, our M.M.M. family.

We also realize that we are living in troublous times. We are at a time in earths history, when we need greater faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If ever there were a time to forsake all that this world has to offer, and cling to the cross of Calvary, that time is now.These past few months, we have seen and heard of tragic things happening within and without the church; things that would try the faith of even the strongest believers. I’m reminded of the time when the disciples were battling a fierce storm. Their boat was tossed from side to side. At a distance, they noticed a shinning figure walking upon the foam-capped waves. Then, a voice was heard above the roar of the stormy seas, “Be of good cheer; it is I; Be not afraid.” There was nothing they could do to save themselves, except look to Jesus.

We’re told that the storm was not sent to destroy the disciples, but to test and prove them individually. Everyday, we too are being tested; our faith is being tested. May our faith be found in Christ, and Christ alone. We pray that you will be blest and inspired as you see the Lord’s work moving forward, and as you see the principles of God being taught and lived out here in the mission field.

Educate, Educate, Educate!!!

“True education is missionary training. Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary; we are called to the service of God and our fellow men; and to fit us for this service should be the object of our education.” MH, pg. 166.

We thank The Lord for enabling us in all our activities in the mission field to keep this object in mind. And even though our former M.I.C.E. (Maranatha Institute of Christian Education) children have grown older, we continue to educate.
“The children and youth, with their fresh talent, energy, and courage, their quick susceptibilities, are loved of God...They are to obtain an education that will help them to stand by the side of Christ in unselfish service”,

an education that will help them to stand in positions of responsibility.
“Let the youth advance as fast and as far as they can in the acquisition of knowledge. And as they learn, let them impart their knowledge. It is thus that their mind will acquire discipline and power.” M.H. p.169

We thank the Lord for teaching us in His patient ways, and by His marvelous providence, what true education is all about. It is simply what we have been doing all along....Missionary work; Medical Missionary Work. We praise God for it! And the education of our Youth, volunteers and the people continues, we all continue in the school of Christ.

They Did It!

By Elsa

Summertime is a very special time for Joe and I, because we get the opportunity to visit with our brothers and sisters in the States. We feel like it is important for us to share what the Lord has done in the mission field and to personally encourage our friends, and remind them that the true purpose for living is to serve God and man. Our only dilemma in going to the States, has always been....who will we leave in charge to manage the outpost? You see, from past experience, we have learned that every time we are absent from the outpost, the enemy tries to come in through different avenues to see how he can disrupt, discourage or damage the work of God in La Zona. When you are working for God, it requires constant watchfulness and prayer.

They Did It!

In the past we have looked for families that we know and trust, or mature adults to come and volunteer during our absence. Well, let me tell you, that although it is an inspiring experience for them, at the end of the two or three months, they are ready to hand over the keys, saying “I can’t believe all the work that is done here...the half has never been told” or “I don’t know how you all do it. We thought we’d never make it; how in the world do you all accomplish all that you do?”

Well this year, we had committed to going to several churches on the West Coast, and we weren’t about to disappoint our MMM family, so Joe and I prayed over the matter and decided that it was time to give the young people the opportunity to manage the outpost without supervision. A few weeks before leaving, we had a meeting with all of our volunteers, which included Rene, Roger, Ruby, Janet, and Ada, (Rene’s mother). We shared with them all that would need to be done, and asked if they felt comfortable taking on such a tremendous responsibility. They all recognized that it was a unique challenge for them, but felt that with God’s help they could do it! We emphasized the importance of maintaining their worship schedules, as well as asking God for wisdom in handling all situations that might arise. After our talk, they thanked us for giving them the opportunity, and for trusting them; they knew that it was God who was giving them this challenge, and the opportunity to depend on Him.

While in the States we prayed daily for our young people, that God would protect them, would give them wisdom, strengthen them, and bless their efforts. Dear friends, I’m here to tell you that they did it!! With the help of God they managed the work even better than some of the adults we’d had in the past. Different challenges arose, but they handled everything beautifully, just as we would have, had we been there. Not only did they keep up with the daily duties such as gardening, operating the restaurant, etc., but they conduct-ed cooking classes for the League Against Cancer, and they tended to all the injured and sick who came to the clinic. When one of the villagers passed away, they knew it was their duty to assist and minister to the grieving family. The church members sang at the wake and Roger was chosen to give the message at the funeral. Oh, we were so proud of them; so thankful to God for what He has done in the lives of these dedicated young people. They are true workers and ministers of God. What they have learned they are imparting. Pictured on the right, Ruby and Rene give health lectures.

Cancer free, And Thankful

By Elsa

Leslie does not cease to be ever thankful for what God did for her. Every time she comes to the restaurant she smiles and says, “God healed me, and I will never go back to my old ways, I will forever continue to eat healthfully, because I know that it was the treatments and ways of eating that I learned at the clinic that saved my life.”

Leslie and her children

Not long ago, Leslie lost her grandmother, mother and sister, as well as her aunts, to breast cancer. She had one of the strongest genetic cancers, and when she left MMM Out-post, she was tested negative for cancer,....Leslie just recently went back to the doctors for another check-up; Yes friends, Leslie was cancer free!!!

Doctors insisted that because of this type of genetic cancer, she should undergo chemotherapy treatments. She reluctantly agreed, but continued with her juicing and totally vegan diet. During this time, other patients receiving the same chemo treatments as Leslie, had the usual harsh side effects, but Leslie maintained her health, and had no side effects at all. Her doctors were amazed. She testified to them over and over again that it was the juices and her vegan diet that kept her and cured her of cancer. She now has incorporated this healthy lifestyle for all of her family members.

When Leslie has the time, she comes and stays with us on the weekends. She and her family enjoy visiting the church and hearing the beautiful messages from Gods Word. Just this past weekend, she brought her teenage son and her little daughter with her, because she wants her son to become acquainted with Roger and Rene. She also enjoys picking lettuce and greens from the organic garden.

We too are thankful for what God has done in Leslie’s life; and that God gave us the privilege of ministering to Leslie in her time of need. I often think about how God orchestrates everything, even to the point of bringing just the right person, Marybeth Weisner from North Carolina, to help Leslie with her treatments. What a wonderful God we serve. As a result of Leslie’s testimony, many people throughout Santa Barbara are realizing the importance of a healthy diet in order to prevent terrible diseases such as cancer.

“ As the medical missionary works intelligently to relief suffering and save life, hearts are softened. Those that are helped are filled with gratitude. As the medical missionary works upon the body, God works upon the heart.” Manuscript. 58, 1901

Preparing For Service

By Joe

We are living in very serious times. There are things happening every day, and signs all around us, letting us know that serious events are soon to take place. Perhaps the most talked about is the economy and unemployment. What will God’s people do when the world markets do finally crash? Are we prepared for this time that is most surely to come?

Missionary Preparation Camp

All too often, I hear of Christian bothers & sisters who have lost their jobs or their retirement investment, and are now facing severe crisis. I can only imagine what it would be like if we all had listened to God’s counsel and warnings. As we well know, God does not force us into making decisions; whether they be good decisions or not so good decisions. He tells us what we should do, knowing that it will be best for us in the long run, and then He allows us to make our own choices. I think that sometimes we forget what our purpose in life is. It’s not about getting a high scholarly degree, or securing a well paying job, or obtaining wealth; It’s about service,....... “Glory to God, Zeal for His glory, and Service to humanity.” We should be preparing ourselves and our children to be in service to God, for the salvation of souls; and, in doing so, God will also teach us how to survive these serious times now upon us. It’s not too late friends. There are so many who sincerely want to prepare for God’s service, but they don’t know where to begin. Well dear friends, do not despair; God has little ministries established just for that purpose; To teach you how to work for Him, and how to prepare for the times ahead.

This past summer, Elsa and I were invited to conduct a Missionary Preparation Camp held in Manton, California. It is designed primarily for Seventh-Day Adventist Christian families interested in forming the characters of their children for service, and for heaven. What a blessing it was for us to see people whose sole purpose is to serve the Lord, and work for Him. Creation Adventures Camps are organized and directed by Reini Roberson, and her two sons, who manages to operate about four camps per year, each having a different theme. The theme for this camp was “Missionary Preparation”. Classes included medical missionary training, agriculture, personal health education, scripture memorization and meaningful arts & crafts; We even held a “Healing Edibles” class; All held out in the beauty of nature.

Every morning we had a delicious healthy breakfast of various fruits & grains, giving us the energy needed to get through the day. But the most important aspect of the camp, was the spiritual atmosphere. It appeared that we were all on one accord; one with God, and one with each other. Elsa and I had never been to a camp like this before, and how encouraging and refreshing it was for us. I strongly encourage any and all who are interested in working for God and training their children to be in service for God, to attend one (or several) of these camps. I guarantee you that it will be an experience you will never forget; and one that will benefit you now and for eternity. This experience has encouraged us (MMM) to consider holding missionary training camps here at our Outpost in Honduras. God willing, you’ll be hearing more about that in the future.

Missionary Preparation Camp
(Elsa, little Svetta, and Sheri, do a cool sheet wrap on a young patient)

The majority of the children were homeschoolers, and their parents, but the camps are intended for all Christians who seek to know the Lord and work for Him.Training in the great outdoors, rather than in concrete structures, is so much more beneficial to the student. God places an added blessing upon those who teach and learn in an atmosphere which He created.

Everyone, young & older, enjoyed taking part in the health classes; learning how to apply cold sheet wraps, take blood pressure, treat insect bites, and many other treatments. The “Healing Edibles” presentation was one of the high-lights of the camp; everyone was excited to learn how to prevent and treat most health problems with the fruits and vegetables you have in your own kitchen. Afterwards, they all purchased the Healing Edibles manual, so they could learn even more about how to prevent sickness and disease, naturally. For our morning and evening worships, we all gathered together at the tent, which was set up in a clearing amidst the tall majestic pines. Here, we could actually feel the presence of God. Sometimes, it sounded like the angels were singing with us; What a blessed and joyous time we all had together.

I believe that gatherings, such as this, are very much needed in these last days. There is so much in this sinful world that distracts us, and keeps us from remembering that Jesus Christ is coming very, very soon. Our only concerns should be, “Lord, am I ready to see you when the heavens break? Have I done all that I can do to help others to know about you, and your love & desire to save them? Can I look up and say, “This is my Lord?”- Am I ready, for Jesus to come?

I am confident that every family who attended this Missionary Preparation Camp, left with a renewed vigor and determination to serve God, and to be of service for Him. We want to encourage every Seventh-Day Adventist, who desires to train their children for God, to consider attending one or more of these camps. The prices are beyond reasonable, and it will certainly be a Christian experience that will benefit you through-out eternity. For more information, contact—Reini Roberson at—530-474-1419, or visit their website at— Please pray for Creation Adventures Camps and their wonderful ministry.

Dental Training For M.M.M.

By Joe

For many years now I have prayed for the Lord to send someone here to our mission outpost to teach basic missionary dentistry; the prevention and treatment of various dental problems. One thing the Christian should ever remember, and that is that God will always answer the humble prayer of His children, and will give them the desires of their heart, particularly when their motive is to serve others. Well, God has answered our prayers. MMM has just completed Phase 1 of a dental technique called A.R.T. (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment). Ten days of long hours and intense studies has enabled five MMM staff, including myself, to better serve the people here in our mountain villages. And God sent us just the right person to train us,...Dr. Gerry Beauchemin, a true missionary Dentist. He loves the Lord and has great compassion for his patients. I have trained with many medical professionals, but never have I witnessed such love and tender compassion as demonstrated by Dr. Gerry.

Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Training

*True sympathy between man and his fellow men is to be the sign distinguishing those who love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that Christ expressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world! His religion led to the doing of genuine medical missionary work. He was a healing power. "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice," He said. This is the test that the great Author of truth used to distinguish between true religion and false. God wants His medical missionaries to act with the tenderness and compassion that Christ would show were He in our world.--Medical Ministry, p. 251. {CME 12.1}

How slow men are to understand God's preparation for the day of His power. He works today to reach hearts in the same way that He worked when Christ was upon this earth. In reading the Word of God, we see that Christ brought medical missionary work into His ministry. Cannot our eyes be opened to discern Christ's methods? Cannot we understand the commission He gave to His disciples and to us? {CME 12.2}

When the training began, we were all very excited. I even wondered if I would be able to focus clearly enough on the classes, because Elsa and I both had many things going on within the ministry at this same time. But Dr. Gerry’s calm, patient spirit eased my nervousness, allowing me to feel confident about performing difficult dental techniques. He treated us as family, and gave us individual instruction. It wasn’t long before he turned us loose, and under his watchful eye, we each had our hands in someone’s mouth.

Dental Training For M.M.M
(M.M.M. examining patients)

It was soon time for us to invite the community over for dental exams. Boy, were we nervous!!! It’s one thing to examine each others teeth in a class setting, but to actually conduct a real exam,....that’s when the butterflies begin to flutter; but we kept in mind what Dr. Gerry had taught us; That the most important part of dental care, is to relieve the patient of fear, and to provide them with the most effective, painless remedy for their problem.

“The world must have an antidote for sin. As the medical missionary works intelligently to relieve suffering and save life, hearts are softened. Those who are helped are filled with gratitude. As the medical missionary works upon the body, God works upon the heart. “--Manuscript 58, 1901.

“The church of Christ is organized for service. Its watchword is ministry. Its members are soldiers, to be trained for conflict under the Captain of their salvation. Christian ministers, physicians, teachers, have a broader work than many have recognized. They are not only to minister to the people, but to teach them to minister. They should not only give instruction in right principles, but educate their hearers to impart these principles. Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessing can be retained only as it is shared.” {CME 17.4}

“The monotony of our service for God needs to be broken up. Every church member should be engaged in some line of service for the Master. Some cannot do so much as others, but everyone should do his utmost to roll back the tide of disease and distress that is sweeping over our world. Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed and encouraged.” {CME 17.5}

“Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted. There should be schools of health, cooking schools, and classes in various lines of Christian help work. There should not only be teaching, but actual work under experienced instructors. Let the teachers lead the way in working among the people and others, uniting with them, will learn from their example. One example is worth more than many precepts.” --Ministry of Healing, pp. 148, 149.

This training we received from Dr. Gerry will enable us to better reach the hearts with the message of Christ’s love, through medical (and Dental) missionary work.

Update On Ligia

By Joe

We recently received word that Ligia was in need of help. The suctioning machine used to remove fluid from her throat and lungs was malfunctioning. Should the machine stop working completely, Ligia would be in serious trouble. Finding a good quality suction machine, specifically for this purpose would not be easy; but Elsa diligently searched and searched, until she found a company that had exactly what was needed. The purchase was made, and the new machine was shipped to her immediately.

Update On Ligia

Ligia’s overall condition remains the same. She has very little sensation in her hands and legs; All of her ulcers have healed, except one, located at the base of the spine. Because she has not had any consistent physical therapy, she now has, what appears to be irreversible “foot-drop.” Although she cannot use her body, she remains cheerful and happy. Ligia asked me to be sure to thank all who are praying for her, and who have helped provide for her.

I especially want to thank Dr. Randal Elloway, from Red Bluff, CA. who donated the funds used to purchase the new suctioning machine. When donating the funds, his only request was that it be used to help someone in need. I can think of no better way of using God’s money. Christ says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matt. 25:40


Dear Friends, We want you all to know that we are grateful for your many prayers for this ministry, and God has been faithful in answering your prayers. He has blest this work abundantly over the years; but the time has come for us to again, restructure our newsletter mailing strategy. Many of you are receiving both online reports, as well as our paper mail-outs. How we wish that we could continue to send out newsletters to everyone, regardless of return correspondence, but the world economic crisis is being felt even amongst ministries who depend upon financial support to operate. We will continue to send out newsletters every other month, as long as the U.S. Postal Service remains in business. However, we must now be more diligent in sending reports out to only those who sincerely want to receive them. In all honesty, we receive correspondence from only a fraction of those whom we send reports to; not knowing if those who do not respond are receiving them or not. Please keep in mind that we do not ask for contributions; but we do need to know, from time-to-time, that you are receiving, and hopefully enjoying our newsletters.
Beginning the new year of 2012, M.M.M. will refine its mailing list to those who have responded, either with contributions or notes of encouragement. Those who have not responded in any way over the past two years, will no longer receive newsletters from M.M.M.. We don’t want to loose anyone from our mailing list; but we must guard the Lord’s money and spend it in the wisest manner possible.
Serious times are still ahead of us; but let us not hold back from giving to the Lord His own, or from the work He has entrusted to us. May God bless each and every one of you abundantly throughout this new year.

Ministry Needs:

Because of the type of work being done, MMM has continued need for small medical related items, such as gauze, latex gloves, surgical tape, batteries (all sizes). And now that we have completed “Phase 1” of our Dental training, we ask that all Dentists please send us your used or unwanted dental instruments, topical & local anesthetics, needles & syringes (New), and either Fynal Crown & Bridge Cement or A.R.T. powder with liquid conditioner. We realize that some of these items are very expensive, so we ask only that you send us your used, unwanted, or outdated supplies (except for needles & syringes). Please send all items to: Joseph C. Willis, 3819 Walters Lane, Forestville, MD, 20747. Thank you dear MMM family

Prayer Corner:

Pray without ceasing
“Cultivate the habit of talking with the Savior...Let the heart be continually up-lifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer.” MLT, pg. 17

Please pray for:
Ligia Yanet - Restoration of health.
Michael Lullo - To know how precious he is to God.
Janice - To know how precious she is to God.
Charles & Judy Wilson—Health & healing
Gayle Johnson - God’s rich blessings
Barbara Grahm - God’s blessings upon the work at Advent Home.
Estoria Patton & family - Health & God’s saving grace.
Frances Seabolt - Health & faithfulness to God
Julia Thomas & family - God’s blessings
Jacquelin Lynch - Health & blessings
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon God’s people &
M.M.M.’s outreach programs.

All of our MMM supporters - May God ever bless you for supporting His soul-winning ministry. The evidence of your faithful support will be manifest when we reach our eternal home. What a glorious day that will be.
Thank you, dear MMM friends.

God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional
love. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Draw
nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

Joe and Elsa

Our new ministry e-mail address is

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