The old year, with its burden of record, has passed away; and the new year, with all its possibilities,
has ushered in. “What advancement have we made in the knowledge of Christ during the
past year? Are we prepared to show, more decidedly than ever before, that we are on the
Lord's side? At this time, when the nations of the world are wavering between infidelity and
idolatry, are we prepared to stand as faithful ambassadors for Christ? Shall we not, at the beginning
of this new year, give ourselves and all we have to God? Shall we not listen to His voice,
which calls us to a renewed contest, to a more thorough consecration of ourselves and our entrusted
capabilities to His service?” {ST, January 2, 1901 par. 1}
“Although in one sense the first day of a new year is no more to God than any other day, yet
He often puts into the heart of his children at that time a desire to begin the new year with
good resolves,--perhaps with plans to carry out some worthy enterprise,--and with purposes to
depart from the wrongs of the old year, and to live the new year with new determinations.” {YI,
February 11, 1908 par. 1}
“We are now entering upon a new year, and may it prove a beginning of years to us. If in the
old year we have made failures, let us commence the new by rectifying these errors as far as we
can. If the old year has borne into eternity a spotted record of opportunities neglected and
privileges slighted, let us see that that of the new year is free from these blemishes. Its days are
all before us; let us begin now to make the history of each as it passes, such as we shall not
tremble to meet in the judgment. Let us fill each one full of loving, helpful work for others. Let
us develop all our powers, and make of ourselves all that God designed that we
should.” {AUCR, January 5, 1914 par. 6}
A Season Of Blessings And Thanksgiving
By Joe
“Every gospel minister should be a friend to the poor, the afflicted, and the oppressed among God's believing people. Christ was always the poor man's friend, and the interests of the poor need to be sacredly guarded…..Love, sacred, refined love, is to be exercised in behalf of the poor and unfortunate.”--MM 310. {PaM 230.2}
Maranatha Medical Ministries, is God’s ministry; He has allowed us, Joe and Elsa, to manage the operations of this ministry, but make no mistake, God is in charge! It is He, Who has sent us here to Honduras, and Who has called us to be His ambassadors of love and compassion to the poor; and for more than twelve years, we have been right here where God has placed us. Every year during the holiday season, while most of the world is engaged in self-pleasing activities, M.M.M. strives to draw attention to God; His love, His mercy, His many blessings. This year, we decided to do something a little more special; In addition to preparing our usual “Love Baskets,” for the poor in the mountains, we decided to have special services at our House of Prayer.
It so happened that God arranged for Pastor Aaron Baker, and a few of his members from Light Bearer’s Mission, to volunteer with us during this festive time of year. They may have thought that they were coming to enjoy the warm weather, relax, and enjoy the mission experience for two weeks, but God had other plans. When volunteers come to us, we take advantage of all of their skill and talent; and our Outpost was full of talent.We began with a re-consecration and communion service on Sabbath, December 24th. What a blessed time this was.
[caption id="attachment_500" align="aligncenter" width="695" caption="Our head Elder, Orlando, and Pastor Aaron Baker hold Communion service for all in attendance at the La Zona House of Prayer"]
The following day, we made up lots of very beautiful “Love Baskets” for the poor. Our Volunteers were so excited, they spent all day buying the needed items to put into the baskets, and they especially enjoyed adding a little something extra special for the little children. When it was time for our outreach, … guessed it, we loaded up the truck, and headed up the mountain. Our first stop, the village of Mountainita.
“As we see the necessities of the poor, the ignorant, the afflicted, how often our hearts sink. We question, “What avail our feeble strength and slender resources to supply this terrible necessity? Shall we not wait for someone of greater ability to direct the work, or for some organization to undertake it?” Christ says, “Give ye them to eat.” M.H. 49
Reaching the little village, we noticed that nearly all the homes, (wooden adobe shacks), were locked up and vacant. We had forgotten that this time of year is coffee picking time; Everyone was out picking coffee beans. Our hearts sank; we felt we would not be able to give anything to these people who are so much in need. Just then, a little girl came running out of one of the shacks. She greeted us with the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen. We then met her grandmother, who is loosing her eyesight, and stays home to care for her grandchildren.
Throughout the week, Pr. Baker conducted a “Week of Prayer,” which focused on the parables of Matthew 13. What a blessing this was. The messages brought, not only a deeper understanding of God’s Word, but renewed conviction to all of us. The following Sabbath was filled with many joyful activities, all centered to give praise and thanksgiving to God.
Morning service began with the church choir singing a beautiful rendition arranged by John Dysinger and his family, who have returned to Honduras to minister in La Zona for three months. The Lord has truly blest MMM with so many Christian volunteers, dedicated to soul winning. The Dysinger’s are a true missionary family. It isn’t easy bringing a family of six into a third world country, for the purpose of ministering to others; and what a blessing they’ve all been to the La Zona community, and to the church.
“In choosing men and women for His service, God does not ask whether they possess worldly wealth, learning, or eloquence. He asks, “Do they walk in such humility that I can teach them My way? Can I put My words into their lips? Will they represent Me?” God can use every person just in proportion as He can put His Spirit into the soul temple.” Ministry of Healing, pg. 37
One very special treat for Sabbath service, was children’s time. As you know, every Sabbath afternoon, Elsa and our volunteers have been going up to Cerro del Torro, giving Bible studies, singing songs, and teaching the little children scripture memorization. Well, Elsa’s hard work has not been in vain. Four of the children have done so remarkably well at learning their memory verses, that Elsa brought them to church for a recital. This was their first time coming to church, and they were a bit nervous, but they recited more than a dozen memory verses, with very little coaching form Elsa. We’re so proud of these little ones, and pray that one day soon, they too will be part of our church family.
“In the children who were brought in contact with Him, Jesus saw the men and women who should be heirs of His grace and subjects of His kingdom, and some of whom would become martyrs for His sake. He knew that these children would listen to Him and accept Him as their Redeemer…..The Saviour regards with infinite tenderness the souls whom He has purchased with His blood. They are the claim of His love. He looks upon them with unutterable longing. His heart is drawn out, not only to the best-trained and most attractive children, but to those who by inheritance and through neglect have objectionable traits of character.” M.H. 43, 44.
The Sabbath ended with a beautiful wedding ceremony and a baby dedication. One of our members, Emilio, since giving his heart to the Lord, had decided to make things right with God, by marrying the woman he loves, the mother of his baby boy. Once again, Pr. Baker came to the charge, and conducted one of the most meaningful wedding ceremonies I had ever witnessed. Times of refreshing such as these, you never want to end; but we know that God has many more blessings in store for M.M.M., and for all who seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.
May God use you, dear friends, to be a blessing to someone today. Remember, you’re the only Jesus, some may ever see. You’re the only words of life, some may ever read. May others see Jesus in you. Maranatha!
La Canasta de Vida Reaches Out
By Elsa
“There should also be a restaurant in which healthful dishes are prepared and served in an inviting manner. This will prove an education to many not of our faith. “ 7T.
Sometimes Joe wonders, why in the world did I decide to do restaurant work, when it is so time consuming; but when the Lord impresses you to do something for Him, the hard work is seen simply as an effort to reach souls. This is how all the volunteers, the young people and myself, view this work. God is ever faithful in allowing us to see glimpses of how He is blessing the efforts. One of the joys that I have is knowing that God is using the restaurant as a means to keep our young people... the former M.I.C.E. students, close to us; in a safe, useful environment for their continuous Christian growth. Our village of La Zona has many young people who are idle because there is no work, and some because they do not want to work, but our young people are kept busy working, learning, and being productive. “Every hygienic restaurant should be a school. The workers connected with it should be constantly studying and experimenting, that they may make improvement in the preparation of healthful foods.”
Just a few weeks ago, one of our customers, a high school teacher, requested that her senior class be allowed to come up to the outpost for training in organic gardening, and the importance of proper nutrition. We thank the Lord for allowing this restaurant to be a means of ministry through education, and a light to young and old.
La Canasta de Vida Goes Catering
by Elsa
Who would have thought it? That we would be catering! This year one of the Adventist schools in town requested that we prepare a vegan meal for their graduation dinner. Innocent me, always willing to help, told them that we would be happy to do it. They had told me that it would be approximately 100 plates and they wanted dessert and a drink along with the meal. Well, as the time drew near, they kept adding more and more people, and the final count ended up being 220 plates. The dinner was on a week day, that meant that the restaurant was operating at the same time. How were we going to do it??? Only with the help of the Lord, and having all hands on board, could we move forward. One crew would have to operate the restaurant while the other crew spent the whole day in preparation for the catering meal...And boy, was it a lot of work! I never imagined that it would involve so much. Thank the Lord for well trained young people. As 5 o’clock drew near, we had all the food prepared and ready to be catered to the banquet hall.
After a few last minute preparations, the people began arriving, and we began serving. Our prayer had been that the Lord would be seen in us; that He would give the delicious taste to the food and that, as the boys served, the people would see as it were, angels doing the work. We had also set a table with free literature for the people to take home.
La Canasta de Vida, is a unique restaurant. Although it is a business, it is foremost a soul-winning ministry, designed to draw the attentions of its patrons to Christ, Who desires above all things, that we may prosper and be in health.
Bruno– A Gift From God
By Joe
It’s been said, that a dog is a man’s best friend; well, little did I know just how loving a dog could be, until Bruno adopted us into his life. “He adopted you?” That’s right friends, Bruno adopted us!
One afternoon we were returning home from an outing, and there Bruno was, standing at the entrance of the Outpost. He was nothing but skin & bones. I had had my share of stray dogs coming into the yard, messing everywhere and tearing through the trash bins, so I immediately attempted to run him off the property; I tried everything to get him to leave, but he just wouldn’t go. It’s almost as if he was afraid to leave.
After a few hours, I realized, that dog wasn’t going anywhere, so I quickly instructed our volunteers not to feed the dog anything; Quickly, but not quickly enough. Our kindhearted volunteers felt so sorry for the dog, that they had already fed him when I wasn’t looking. Well, I knew now that there was no chance in ever getting rid of this dog.
It didn’t take long before we all began to befriend the dog. Elsa even named him, Bruno. I soon noticed that Bruno had several deep gashes across his lower back; By the looks of it, they were caused by someone intentionally hitting him with a machete. Bruno ate nonstop, and once he was looking healthy, we had to make him as temperate as we try to be:). Bruno was not an aggressive dog, but his stature and husky bark made everyone stop at the front gate.
Bruno had many ways of showing his appreciation for the love we all showed him. For Elsa, he would faithfully go with her on her long walks up the mountain roads every morning. For me, he would always come and sit by me while I was having quiet moments alone. He just had that look in his eyes that said, “Thank you, for loving and caring for me.”
Did you know that all of God’s creatures, respond to Christian music and worship? It’s true, and Bruno was perfect proof of it. He would not miss a morning or evening worship for anything; Wednesday night prayer meetings, and Sabbath services, where do you think Bruno was? He was laying right in front of the church doorway. Often times, members had to step over him just to get through the church doors. He would actually get upset, if we tied him up, preventing him from walking down to church. Bruno loved to worship with us. As the years went by, Bruno became loved by everyone in the village, by all of our volunteers, and by many of you.
Bruno was getting old, and his hearing and eyesight were failing him. One day, as he was returning home from a short walk, a truck came around the bend and struck Bruno, killing him. He did not suffer, and there was no external bleeding. I think the Lord allowed him to go this way, in order to keep him from suffering.
I never thought I would say something like this, but Bruno was a rich blessing, and a sweet part of this ministry. He will sorely be missed. I know that the Lord sent him to us, and impressed him not to leave, because we would love and care for him. One day soon, we will get another dog to have here at the Outpost; and I’m certain that it will be special too; But, there will never be another Bruno. God created them (dogs) with their own personality,...their own character. We trust the Lord to give us just what we need, when we need it; and what He gives us, will be the very best. He always has,...and He always will.
Health Nugget
by Joe
The Benefits of Onions and Garlic:
All too often, we look at the foods in our kitchen as edible items only. There are many fruits and vegetables which can be used for healing and prevention of disease. Take for instance the onion and garlic; these are two powerful veggies, beneficial to your health.
The onion consists of a very sensitive organism which absorbs all morbid matter. If you place a peeled onion in a room where infection is in the air, you will notice that the onion will become very dark, or even black, as it absorbs the poisonous matter. An onion will not only kill infection, it will also lower blood pressure. Eating just a slice of onion will help with hoarseness, and an inflamed throat. If you roast an onion, it can be beneficial in healing an ear ache.
Onions also consist of concentrated substances that contain sulphur and can turn off cell changes that can lead to cancer growth. Just one-half cup of onions per day, raw or cooked, may boost your cancer prevention quotient.
It has been documented that the onion has some 150 com-pounds in which all are involved in increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels by as much as 30%, while decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. One-half of a medium sized onion per day is sufficient to produce these results. Here are just a few more benefits of the onion:
*Placing a bowl of sliced or chopped onion beside your bed while you rest, can help relieve asthma;
*The juice of 3 lemons, 3 radishes, and 3 onions (mixed well) - take 1tsp. 5 times daily; this will help with bladder infections; *Onions help to lower blood sugar levels; *Are excellent for use in treatment of colds & flu.
The garlic is perhaps the most widely used herb of all time. It has been used as a medicine for more than 3,000 years. I know the Israelites used it in their diet, because it was one of the things mentioned that they missed, while they were complaining to Moses; “Who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic: but now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes." Numbers 11:4,5
It has tremendous healing properties. Just the other day, I came down with a terrible head cold, and I made an Antibiotic Tea– using 3 onion bulbs, 3 garlic bulbs, 6 lemons with the peel, added about 11/2 quarts of water, boiled and let set. I drank about 1/2 cup every 4 hours. If chest congestion is present, add Mullin leaves to the mix; if you also have sore throat, add a little cayenne pepper; you now have an excellent antibiotic and expectorant.
There are so many people in the town of Santa Barbara who have arthritis and sore joints. Those who have been coming to the restaurant have testified that they don’t have the aches & pains they use to have, since eating at La Canasta de Vida; Why? Because, with every main course meal, Elsa serves a delicious fresh garden salad, topped off with a very simple, but tasty garlic dressing. So friends, remember to eat your portion of garlic every day. Stay healthy, live longer, and be of greater service to the Master. May God bless you and keep you healthy and happy.
By Joe
“Parents, remember that your home is a training school, in which your children are to be prepared for the home above. Deny them anything rather than the education that they should receive in their earliest years.” CG 17
“The work of education and training should commence with the babyhood of the child; for then the mind is the most impressible, and the lessons given are remembered.” {CG 26.3}“The first child especially should be trained with great care, for he will educate the rest. Children grow according to the influence of those who surround them.” {CG 27.4}
[caption id="attachment_529" align="aligncenter" width="497" caption="Samuel, Edward, and Jeffrey enjoy reading their Bible Story books."]
When I was a little child, I couldn’t wait for bedtime, so mama could read to me from the Bible Story books.
As I grew older, the habit was formed, and I began reading the Bible Story books on my own. Although I feel that my life has been more narrow than straight, I do know that the training I received from my early years, has kept me close to the Lord. In one of our past newsletters, we told you about Orlando and his family. He is our church head Elder, and these are his children (above). Orlando and his wife Dolores, have been faithfully training their three sons; preparing them for the home above, by giving only those things which will develop Christian characters. Elsa invited the boys to spend the night with us, but they wouldn’t leave home without their Bible Story books.
Over the years, many contributions are made to MMM, but no contribution is of more value, than those which will aide in soul-winning. These young boys may look too tiny to do anything for the Lord, but these three boys are actively going out singing and sharing Bible stories every Sabbath afternoon.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Prayer Corner:
[caption id="attachment_420" align="alignleft" width="285" caption="Pray without ceasing"]
Please pray for:
Ligia Yanet - Restoration of health.
Michael Lullo - To know how precious he is to God.
Janice - To know how precious she is to God.
Charles & Judy Wilson—Health & healing
Gayle Johnson - God’s rich blessings
Barbara Grahm - God’s blessings upon the work at Advent Home.
Estoria Patton & family - Health & God’s saving grace.
Frances Seabolt - Health & faithfulness to God
Julia Thomas & family - God’s blessings
Jacquelin Lynch - Health & blessings
Ruth Willis, the Bond & Washington families - The Lord’s blessings, and un-spoken requests.
All of our MMM supporters - May God richly bless you for supporting His ministry.
Thank you, dear MMM family.
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