Sunday, November 1, 2009

Maranatha Newsletter October/November 2009 Special Edition

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I Want To Work For The Lord

by Joe

“In choosing men and women for His service, God does not ask whether they possess worldly wealth, learning, or eloquence. He asks, 'Do they walk in such humility that I can teach them My way? Can I put My words into their lips? Will they represent Me?'" M.H. p.37

You’ve heard us use this quotation many times before; And you will most likely hear it many more times, because it expresses in plain English God’s qualifications for Christian service.

Just a few short weeks ago, (mid-September), Elsa and I were conducting church presentations in Virginia, when we saw a dear friend who has followed the work of Maranatha Medical Ministries from its very beginning. Her name is Mildred Thomas; We call her “Sister Mildred.” She was so excited to hear the testimonies and see the slide presentation of the great work God is doing here in the mountains of Honduras. After a few moments of greetings and re-acquaintance, Sis. Mildred quietly looked at Elsa and said, “I wish I could go with you to Honduras. I may be old, and I don’t speak Spanish; But, I want to work for the Lord.” Elsa and I looked at each other, and knew that this was no ordinary request. There were no “alternate” motives for her wanting to go into the mission field. She truly wants to do God’s will and His work. We first reminded Sis. Mildred of the primitive conditions of Honduras; Living conditions, though pleasant at the Outpost, will be much different in this “third-world-country.”

We then told Sis. Mildred that, if God is leading her to join us in the mission field, she is welcome to come with us. I can’t adequately describe the smile on her face. Then, as if she couldn't believe her own ears, she asked, “you’re not just pulling my leg are you?” Elsa replied, “No Sister Mildred. If God is directing you to be with us in Honduras, then He has a work for you to do there, and you are welcome to join us.”

Mildred and Elsa Elsa and Mildred waiting to board the plane

Sister Mildred didn’t waste any time preparing for her trip. She immediately began giving away her furniture and packing up her clothes. She had never flown before, so this was extra exciting for her. I often think of so many others who feel that God is calling them into the foreign mission field, but they make the fatal mistake of doubting whether God will keep His word and provide, protect and care for them. “Fatal”, meaning all precious opportunities and blessings that God wants to bestow upon us are vanished, once we begin to doubt Him. How wonderful it is to see someone who hears God’s voice directing them, and without hesitation or doubt, chooses to follow Him. Sister Mildred is 81 years young, and has chosen to give all of her remaining years and energies in service to God. I have always told people that there is no such thing as “retirement” from God’s work. Every new day is filled with new opportunities, given to us by God, to be coworkers with Him in the saving of souls; What a tremendous privilege God has bestowed upon all of His children, to work hand in hand with Him.

Sr. Mildred is now at our Outpost and is loving every minute being in the foreign mission field. Throughout the day, she busies herself quietly doing whatever she finds needing to be done. She is living proof that you’re never too young, and you’re never too old to obey God’s voice and heed His call. May the Lord bless her decision to trust and obey His calling.

By God’s Grace, We Will - Part ll

by Teresa


It has been a few months since sending you my first testimony of how God led us to establish the Maranatha Missionary Training Center. I will now continue sharing with you how God directed in this project. Through much prayer and fasting, God had shown me that this project was in accordance with His will; That through the establishment of this Training Center, many souls would learn of His truth. Now, there was one major obstacle remaining. In order to work with M.M.M. in establishing the Missionary Training School, I would have to leave home and live at the Maranatha Outpost.

I knew that my family needed me to help out at the radio station because the work load is very heavy, especially for my sister Elsy. My family had plans for the station, and were waiting for me to return so they could begin their projects. How could I resign my work at the radio station, where I had been working since I was a child? How could I abandon my family in this time of need? I knew that only God could work things out and give a happy ending. I knew the Lord was calling me out to something different, but I didn’t want my family to feel resentment for my decision.

I didn’t want to act like an independent girl, and just leave without my parent’s blessing. I shared with them what I felt the Lord was impressing us, (the Willis’s and myself), to do. Finally one evening, while I was talking to my dad, I believe the Holy Spirit impressed his heart with the conviction that this call is from the Lord. He told me if the Lord was indeed calling me, and it would result in separation from family, then so be it. We must obey and follow where God leads. He told me that sometimes separation is necessary for the Lord’s work to move forward. I believe this was the Lord opening the door for me to be able to answer His call, and I couldn’t refuse.

The following morning, during family worship, my dad shared with my mother and sister the call God made to Abraham; How he had to leave his family and go to the land He would show him. Dad also shared how, in order for the gospel message to spread, the Lord allowed persecution to come to Jerusalem so the disciples could be scattered, and preach the message in other cities. He also shared how the Lord was calling me now to go and work in another field, and how we needed to obey the Lord’s call. I am now working full-time at the Maranatha Medical Ministry Outpost. God has answered my prayers, and He is continuing to work with power in the organization of our Missionary Training Center. Please pray, not only for me, but for all of our dedicated volunteers; That God will use us to train and educate workers for Him.

Teresa is now working full-time at the Outpost

M.M.T.C: True Education In Action

by Joe & Elsa

Missionary Trainees

As we are about to reach the end of our first year with the Maranatha Missionary Training Center we can only give thanks and praise to God for what He is doing. What a privilege to actually see what the servant of God saw when she said that in these last days our youth would be trained, not by literary institutions but by the unction of the Holy Spirit. In Counsels on Education P. 24 it says, “When I was shown by the angel of God that an institution should be established for the education of our youth, I saw that it would be one of the greatest means ordained of God for the salvation of souls.” This is our goal; this is our prayer for our trainees. These young men have dedicated their lives for the service of God, and by God’s grace we will continue to move forward in doing our part to fulfill God’s desire; “with such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained,
might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world! How soon might the end come—the end of suffering, and sorrow, and sin.”

Working in the garden

The education our M.T.’s (Missionary Trainees), receive is well-rounded. Their day begins with worship, then off to the gardens, where they learn how to nourish and cultivate the soil. Our goal is to soon harvest 80% of all we consume here at the Outpost. We’re told that, “Study in agricultural lines should be the A,B,C’s of the education given in our schools .” 6T, p 179 No, it isn't an easy life for our Trainees; They are all young men in their early teens. They live at the Outpost, away from their family members. They experience the peer pressure from the youth they use to associate with; But, thank God, these young men have dedicated their lives to Him completely, and their minds are focused on one thing; Obedience, faithfulness and honor to God. Everyday is filled with new opportunities to surrender self to Christ.

“The Lord calls upon our young people to enter our schools and quickly fit themselves for service. In various places outside the cities, schools are to be established where our youth can receive an education that will prepare them to go forth to do evangelical work and medical missionary work.” (9T p. 170). “The students are in our schools for a special training, to become acquainted with all lines of work, that, should they go out as missionaries, they could be self-reliant and able, through their educated ability, to furnish themselves with necessary conveniences and facilities.” (6T p. 208)

Selling whole wheat bread + giving the Bread of Life Selling whole wheat bread + giving the Bread of Life

During the week, when not giving Bible Studies, our M.T.’s go out into the nearby towns, selling whole-wheat breads and sharing the Word of God with all they meet. They now have more than a dozen active Bible Studies. When you look at our Missionary Trainees, you know that you are looking at Christian young men. There is a pleasantly distinctive difference in them from other young men; And they’re all too eager to tell you what that difference is. :)

Missionary Trainees giving a bible study Missionary Trainees giving a bible study

One day two of our M.T.’s went high into the mountains to give Bible Studies; Now those of us who give Studies know just how exciting things can get, and how time flies when the Holy Spirit is moving; Well, towards the late afternoon, our M.T.’s realized they hadn’t bought sufficient water, and didn’t have any food to eat. They had a decision to make; Either skip the Bible Study and return to the Outpost where there’s plenty of food & water, or continue on and ask God for the strength to make it through the mountains for the last remaining Bible Study. No food,...No water,...yet these two young men decided together to trust God for their strength, and they continued climbing the mountain to their last Bible Study. Nothing short of a love for God and a love for souls could bring one to decide to do without food & water in order to continue doing missionary work. God honors those who honor Him. After praying for God’s blessing upon them, they started out up the mountain, and what do you suppose they found not far from where they had prayed? You guessed right!!! They not only found a beautiful fresh-water stream, but also a tree loaded with delicious Oranges. Jorge and Roger ate and drank their fill, and continued on to give their Bible Study. Our young men are learning the wonderful lessons of how God will and does take care of His disciples of today, the same as He did two-thousand years ago; All we need to do is trust Him, and make His work our first priority.

Missionary adventure in the mountains Missionary adventure in the mountains

Probably the most gratifying part of training these young men, is seeing and knowing that their actions are not a result of something they learned in a classroom; rather it is the transformation of Christ’s character in them. True love and compassion cannot be taught or learned; It is something which comes only from ones connection with the Author of true love, Jesus Christ. Our M.T.’s go out regularly to hand out food items to the poor.

Missionary Trainees sharing food 14Missionary Trainees sharing food Missionary Trainees sharing food Missionary Trainees sharing food

“The youth should be encouraged to attend our training schools for Christian workers, which should become more and more like the schools of the prophets. These institutions have been established by the Lord, and if they are conducted in harmony with His purpose, the youth sent to them, will quickly be prepared to engage in various lines of missionary work.” 8T, p. 229; They should receive a training that will fit them to take hold of any line of work in the fields to which they shall be called . FE , p. 512

“Students can do much to make the school a success by working with their teachers to help other students.” “One earnest, conscientious, faithful young man (or woman) is an inestimable treasure. Angels of heaven look lovingly upon him, and in the ledger of heaven is recorded every work of righteousness, every temptation resisted, every evil overcome. He is laying up a good foundation against the time to come, that he may lay hold on eternal life.” CT, p.98-99

Our Missionary Trainees are now instructing our M.I.C.E. (younger students), who will themselves one day become Missionary Trainees. All of our students, young and older, know that by attending our Christian school, they are acknowledging their separation from the world and all it has to offer them. They are dedicating their lives to the service of God; To be used by Him, wherever He leads them, and whatever He calls them to do.

M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees M.I.C.E. and Missionary Trainees

Recently, we took the entire school on outreach far up in the mountains. Our M.I.C.E. had never gone on Outreach with our older trainees before, so this was a new adventure for them. They would see first hand how our M.T.’s meet people and share with them God’s word. At first, we didn’t know how our MICE would respond to the new activities associated with outreach, but to our surprise, they loved every minute of it. They are still quite young, so they’re not yet learned enough to give Bible Studies to adults, but they jump at the opportunity to share Bible stories with the children in the mountain villages. These once very shy, timid, soft-spoken MICE, are now boldly sharing God’s word with others. Our two older MICE, Angelica and Dinora, have just recently decided to give their lives to God fully, and are preparing for baptism.

“He who accepts God as his sovereign must take the oath of allegiance to Him. He must put on the Christian uniform and bear aloft the banner that shows whose army he belongs. He must make an open avowal of his allegiance to Christ. Concealment is impossible. Christ’s impress must appear in the life in sanctified works.” It’s been nearly eight months since Maranatha Missionary Training Center officially began. Without a doubt, it has been by God’s grace, and His grace alone that we’ve managed such a huge undertaking; yet He has promised us saying, “And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known…”. Yes, every step we’ve made has been taken with much prayer.

When Maranatha Missionary Training Center began there were many, many obstacles; Some as great as mountains; but it gave us more determination to enter into earnest prayer with the Master. We knew that we could not let go of God’s hand even for a moment. We had to trust in Him completely. We had to keep our eyes fixed on Him, and on the goal He had set before us. It was our plan to establish the Training Center in a different, more secluded location; But it was not in God’s plan that we do so just yet; And so, we spent this past year training right here at the Maranatha Outpost; and what a blessing it has been. Had we not obeyed God’s voice, and gone ahead and moved to a different location, there would not have been more than a dozen Bible Studies going on in the mountain villages; There would have been no literature outreach associated with the restaurant ministry; and there would have been so many people who would not have received the loving medical care that our M.T.’s provide to people every day. Our ways, are not God’s ways; and just when we may think we have done all that we can do here in this area, God shows us that He still has souls waiting to hear about His love, and His desire and power to save. How wonderful it is to see the growth and transformation of these young men; Their understanding of the great truths of salvation and a new life in Christ; a life dedicated and consecrated to His service.

In these last days, the Lord will use young men and women to accomplish His work. He will use children and youth who are fully consecrated to Him, and it is our prayer that He who so mercifully started this good work, will also complete it. It is our prayer, and we also ask that you pray with us, that God will continue to lead us according to His wisdom. We thank you, our missionary family, for all that you have done to support our work here in the mission field.

Ministry Matters

Boxes of literature

A very special Thank You to: Johnny Carmouche - Hartland Publications Dir.; Ron Goss - Project Restore; Jim Ballard - Literature Evangelist; and Vance Farrell of Harvest-Time Books, for their contribution of hundreds of pieces of literature. Every customer who enters the restaurant; every person we meet on Outreach, receives a piece of literature. God has promised that His word will not return unto Him void. We pray that there will be many souls won to the Kingdom as a result of this literature.

Another very special Thank You to Pete Raimondo and Kathy Haller, who for three years voluntarily handled all of our ministry business affairs. This past year was specially challenging for them, due to Pete’s failing eyesight. We are continually praying for Pete’s health challenges.

Another reminder to please delete our old e-mail address, (maraministries {at} yahoo {dot} com), from your address book. Our new ministry e-mail address will be sent out in our next Newsletter. Please use the new e-mail address for all ministry communications.

Chris and Robin Brostovski will now be handling our ministry accounting. We apologize for any delay in getting receipts back to you, but soon, all will be operating smoothly again. Thank you for your patience.

Please make note of our new mailing address located on the back of this newsletter. You may use this address for contributions and correspondence.

The political situation here in Honduras has slowed down our traveling to continue looking for an appropriate piece of land for the Maranatha Missionary Training Center, but we are still moving forward in that direction. We want to thank those that made donations toward the purchase of the property. We have reached a quarter of our goal and are trusting that God will direct us to just the right place, and will provide us with the remaining funds needed.

Prayer Corner

Joan Neall & Family - Health & healing; Trust in God.
Wiesner Family & Relatives - Health & healing.
Jack Ingalls - Health & healing.
Sr. Mildred Thomas - May God bless her mentally, physically & spiritually.
Maranatha Missionary Training Center—Financial support needed.
Shelton Baldwin & family - Strength, comfort, and trust in the Lord.

God loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love.
He will never leave you, or forsake you.
Draw nigh to Him, and He will draw nigh to you.

Our new ministry e-mail address is coming soon

Blessed are the little children…….

“Whole armies of children may come under Christ’s banner as missionaries, even in their childhood years. Never repulse the desire of children to do something for Jesus. Never quench their ardor for working in some way for the Master. Children rightly educated will learn to love Jesus and to grieve if they think they have grieved the Saviour by any sin committed by them. Keep their hearts tender and sensitive by your own words and example. MS, 55, 1895

The Angels of God are ever near your little ones…. Let love and tenderness, patience and self-control, be at all times the law of your speech. Winning love is to be like deep waters, ever flowing forth in the management of your children. All through His life, Christ performed acts of love and tenderness for the children. R&H, May 17, 1898

May God give us the mind and the strength to train our children to be like Him. We are responsible for our children.

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