Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maranatha Newsletter November/December 2011

Dear MMM Friends & Family,

Another year is coming to an end, and we are thankful to God for all His Blessings, we are thankful for you, our M.M.M. family.

We also realize that we are living in troublous times. We are at a time in earths history, when we need greater faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If ever there were a time to forsake all that this world has to offer, and cling to the cross of Calvary, that time is now.These past few months, we have seen and heard of tragic things happening within and without the church; things that would try the faith of even the strongest believers. I’m reminded of the time when the disciples were battling a fierce storm. Their boat was tossed from side to side. At a distance, they noticed a shinning figure walking upon the foam-capped waves. Then, a voice was heard above the roar of the stormy seas, “Be of good cheer; it is I; Be not afraid.” There was nothing they could do to save themselves, except look to Jesus.