Monday, April 30, 2012

Maranatha Newsletter January/February 2012

Dear MMM Friends & Family,

The old year, with its burden of record, has passed away; and the new year, with all its possibilities,
has ushered in. “What advancement have we made in the knowledge of Christ during the
past year? Are we prepared to show, more decidedly than ever before, that we are on the
Lord's side? At this time, when the nations of the world are wavering between infidelity and
idolatry, are we prepared to stand as faithful ambassadors for Christ? Shall we not, at the beginning
of this new year, give ourselves and all we have to God? Shall we not listen to His voice,
which calls us to a renewed contest, to a more thorough consecration of ourselves and our entrusted
capabilities to His service?” {ST, January 2, 1901 par. 1}